Hi all,<br /><br />I just bought my first telescope: - a Celestron NexStar 102 SLT. It's a 4" refractor with a 102mm tube. http://www.celestron.com/c2/product.php?CatID=8&ProdID=29<br /><br />I've managed to get some decent views of The Pleiades, but I've had no luck with viewing planets or galaxies. I live in east San Diego County and the skies are reasonably dark.<br /><br />I've been trying to view Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune, but haven't had any luck. I've been using the NexStar feature to locate these planets, but either the feature isn't working or the planets are just too dim to see with the scope I'm using. I should add that the I _am_ able to successfully locate stars and groups of stars using the NexStar - so maybe the planets are too dim to be viewed from where I'm located?<br /><br />Am I doing something wrong? Is this time of year and my location just not a good time to be observing the planets? Or should I trade in my new scope for something with a larger aperture? I'm looking to keep the price at or below $500.<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Kevin K.<br />Santee, CA