JWST finds most distant galaxy yet


May 10, 2021
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Physicists are claiming to have found the most distant galaxy yet, one that is said to be just 300 million years younger than the Big Bang! There seems to be some confusion about the red-shift as used in these articles. Normally, the red shift does not denote distance as it is said to do here, it denotes the velocity with which things are moving away from each other. The other way in which the red shift is used, is called the cosmological red shift, where the red shift denotes the expansion of space. While the former definition of the red shift is based on empirical evidence ( i.e., all waves experience red shift as they move away from each other), the cosmological red shift is based on reasoning and logic, rather than on fact and thus might not be accurate. Looked at logically, a completely different conclusion might be drawn from the one that has been reached.

There are two main points to be considered. Firstly; the whole concept of an expanding Universe began with Edwin Hubble’s discovery that the Universe was expanding. Hubble found that the further away one looked, the faster the expansion of the Universe seemed to be. This discovery gave the whole basis for the Big Bang theory that is fundamental to astrophysics today. Supposing that the Big Bang did take place, if the perspective is shifted and events are looked at, not from the present location to the Big Bang but from the Big Bang to the present location. What would one see? Presuming that closer to the origin (Big Bang) the red shift would be of great magnitude but that as one looked further and further away from the Big Bang that the red shift (i.e., speed with which things were moving away from each other) became proportionally reduced. Until, when the present time is reached, the Universe seemed to be still (i.e., no red shift). This being the case, surely it does not make sense to imagine that the Universe is expanding at light speeds, while it certainly might have been close to light speed at its origin. Thus the basis on which such reasoning is based is suspect.

The second point of contention, lies in the spectrum of hydrogen, in the early Universe only hydrogen and possibly a little helium was present. The hydrogen emission spectra lies mainly in the infra red. If the infra red is red shifted to z13 it would certainly be well into the micro wave range and not visible to Hubble, a red shift of z13 also indicates faster (maybe many times faster) than light speeds. Looking at our own sun it is possible to see that it has existed for 4.5 billion years and that it will take another 4.5 billion years before it starts to use helium for fusion instead of hydrogen. So, it can taken for granted that these early galaxies are using hydrogen for fusion.

It seems a great pity that at this seminal point in human history when the JWST is poised to render answers to all but impossible questions, that so much importance is being given to such unreasonable hypotheses as that of a Universe that is expanding at faster than light speeds. There are so many other vitally important things to see and equally important facts to ascertain.

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