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Thanks CosmicVoid. I've forwarded this to our devs.



It's a whole lot more than once every 24 hours for me. I generally have to log in after navigating away from SDC 4 or 5 times, sometimes even just once, & the super annoying "We are sorry. This email and/or password combination does not exist," continues to happen both at home & the office with monotonous regularity.


Happened again today. You are not alone Boris. But that probaby don't make you feel any better.


For the first time in 3 weeks, it did not happen to me on Sunday morning today.


Folks, i have no problem, what so ever. WinXP, FF 3.6.3

I log once, and until i close FF, i can come and go, time is no problem, at least i haven't noticed to be, i'm logged in. If i close browser, i have to login again, but that's just a click, ok, i have to read the latest news, not really a pain.

Could comparing various config settings help ? Cookie texts ? Anything ?


It happens everytime I log on in the office now. I doesn't seem to happen at home anymore.


Boris_Badenov":3kuy0dly said:
It happens everytime I log on in the office now. I doesn't seem to happen at home anymore.

You just can't win can you. :D

If it makes you feel any better, it still happens to me a lot too.


Happens every day for me. As long as I don't shut down the PC I can open and close IE (IE7 btw) as many times as I want and I stay loged in. As soon as I restart I am logged out of the forums but is still shows I'm logged into Space.com itself. :?:


You all might as well give up and move on. This "feature" isn't going to be fixed. TPTB don't care enough to fix it.


They had better bloody fix it, coz it is increasingly getting on my tits, and I started this thread 10 months ago. Every other forum I visit remembers me for weeks on end.. this forum... hours if I am lucky.



Don't think it going to happen, Speed Freek. If they really wanted to fix it, they would allready done it.


doublehelix":2lviynj9 said:
Please refer to this post. Thanks.


Sorry, dh, but that just confirms what I said...TPTB don't care about this issue, even if it's chasing people away.

I used to come here at least twice a day. Now I might show up twice a week and only to check on the WC2010 thread. With most of the old time posters gone or showing up infrequently, M&L mods only wanting government space agencies represented in M&L and better sites for space news and discussion, in addition to the log in issue, this place has lost my interest.

And those other sites don't log me off.


SpeedFreek":ffy6sv0x said:
They had better bloody fix it, coz it is increasingly getting on my tits, and I started this thread 10 months ago. Every other forum I visit remembers me for weeks on end.. this forum... hours if I am lucky.

getting on my tits I have to ask. :?: :?: :?


Swampcat":2italgr4 said:
With most of the old time posters gone or showing up infrequently, M&L mods only wanting government space agencies represented in M&L and better sites for space news and discussion, in addition to the log in issue, this place has lost my interest.

And those other sites don't log me off.
Excuse me, but i post a lot in M&L, and have not noticed mods only wanting government agencies represented, not even a hint like that, ever.

I can not put together non-vitriol opinion about devs, therefore i'm not.


EarthlingX":ifiwp9ia said:
Excuse me, but i post a lot in M&L, and have not noticed mods only wanting government agencies represented, not even a hint like that, ever.

My apologies for using the plural and for the off-topic opinion, but otherwise my statement stands.


I have to ask, swampcat, wth are you talking about? Any Mission or Launch, private or government stays in M&L.

Any discussion about government or private programs that is not about a specific launch or mission is in Space Business and Technology.

Can you you give a specific example of what you find objectionable in the moderation?

And BTW, what does this have to do with the "Logged in - Not logged in" issue???


Last week my office computer got some nasty virus & I had to reload Windows. When I got on to SDC the first time I went ahead & answered yes to the box that asked if I wanted the computer to remember my login info, something I never do.
When I just logged on I used that function & I got the glitch again. I used it a second time & it worked just like the glitch always does. :roll:
I don't know too much about the workings behind the scene, but I wonder how many new users are chased away when they're told their log in info doesn't exist?
The numbers used to tell advertisers how populous this site is have little or nothing to do with us, the regulars. Is that why this annoying glitch has been ignored for so long now? We, the regulars just don't matter to the programmers?


I haven't had this issue. At least, not as people describe it. The only recent issues I've had with login problems that I can remember have been due to changes I've made to my security. But, that's easily fixable. The only problem I used to have, way back when, was when I was logging into SDC from multiple computers. (work/home) I stopped logging in from work and made that a habit so, I don't do that anymore even though SDC has changed formats and that problem may no longer exist.

The LAST thing any site wants to do is prevent users from using it. That would be... counterintuitive. So, I'd be pretty sure that TPTB would rate this as a priority, right next to "keeping the site running", "paying the electricity bill" and "depositing advertising checks."

I know less than diddly about the resources that Techmedia/SDC can devote to this problem. In the past, SDC had a problem with its whips, unable to find suitable backs to flail the flesh from when technical problems arose. That may still be an issue right now. But, I'm sure anyone who would be concerned with maintaining a functional user base is sincerely looking for someone to beat up on in order to get the problem solved if there is any chance at all it could be a server-side issue.

If one doubts, one only has to realize that forum users are "content generators" for forums. The smaller the number of users, the smaller the amount of content. Chances are, TPTB connected with SDC forums know this and are aware that keeping content generation on the forums "free" for them relies on their providing a stable environment for users to operate in. That's their end of the unwritten agreement - They will provide the forums. We provide the content that attracts new members and visitors.

If I were having this problem today, I would erase all cookies, make sure I am logged out from the forums from any machine I have used to login with, drop my security settings (for the SDC Forums ONLY) restart my browser and then attempt to login from home. If I encountered the same issue, I would logout (if I was able) and then try to login to the "LiveScience" end of Techmedia's holdings. If problems persisted, I'd check with my ISP/Network Manager and see if there could be any problems there.

My sincerest sympathies go out to those who appear to be afflicted with this issue. If I could wave a magic wand and fix it for you, I would. But, the wand is in the shop and my staff is angry at me ever since that pick-up softball game...


Well, it seems to have improved a bit. I can stay logged in for a day or two now. But the biggest improvement is that when I do have to log in again, the site knows to put me back in the forums, instead of leaving me dumped to the main SDC page. Saves another 10 seconds of wait time.


Having to log in to post all the time is sort of annoying, but if that is the worst problem I have in a day, that's a pretty darn good day!


I think the glitch occurs on days that I've posted & not on days that I haven't. I'll experiment & see if that's what actually happens.


Boris_Badenov":1zunhbcp said:
I think the glitch occurs on days that I've posted & not on days that I haven't. I'll experiment & see if that's what actually happens.
The glitch does not appear to have anything to do with when I post as it just happened.


Still happening for me but I've narrowed it down. If it forces me to log back in during the day I will stay logged in for the rest of that day. When I come in the following morning the first time I pull up the site I'm still logged in. If I then close IE (IE7 in this case), reopen it and come back to the forums I have to log in again. Very strange.

In addition, the main SDC login (at the top right of the screen) seems to always have me logged in, irregardless of my forum status.


Just keep on logging in. It's been more than a year now. It works sometimes and sometimes it don't. It looks like it's here to stay. :(
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