<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Another advantage of Ceres is that any regolith sample would contain a rocks of mixed provenance. A simple rake would collect a range of these sufficient for a representative sample from many locations.. This idea was first used on Apoll 15 and developed for unmaned LSR missions. It won't work on Titan or Mars or Venus, but definitely on Ceres.But first we need to know what we are looking at. So this is a project for the 2020's <br />Posted by jonclarke</DIV><br /><br />hi jon</p><p>this link:</p><p>http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EPSC2008/00403/EPSC2008-A-00403-1.pdf</p><p> </p>