Using chemical propulsion means a pretty enormous spacecraft. It takes a lot of chemical propellants to do the job due to the limited ISP of even the best hydrogen/oxygen rocket engines....<br /><br />As far as I know Hydrogen and Oxygen offer the highest ISP of any chemical fuel.<br /><br />For the trip outbound from Earth, water can't be used. You can't instantly convert stored water into hydrogen and oxygen for burning in the rocket engines. The total time of the trans-mars-injection burn won't exceed an hour and will more likely be less than 15 minutes...<br /><br />Once you set course for Mars you don't continue to fire your engines, you coast. During the transit there is more than enough time to break-down the water needed to slow into an orbit around Mars. If you use Solar energy both to breakdown water and cryogenically store what you need the stored propellants can be kept to a minimum.<br /><br />For the trip outbound from Earth, water can't be used...<br /><br /> As above you aren't thrusting all the way to Mars orbit. Where you would use water enroute is powering fuel cells to assure a constant and clean flow of electrical power. <br /><br />For the Earth return trip stored water could be used, but that is more trouble than it is worth. Your spacecraft would need three sets of tanks: one set for water storage, one set for oxygen storage, and one set for hydrogen storage. Until reaching Mars, the hydrogen and oxygen tanks could remain empty, but before the return to Earth those tanks would have to be filled by converting the water in the water storage tanks....<br /><br />Sort of true, except the water tanks could be big condoms and it could be ice until needed. Obviously you would need LOX and LH2 tanks, but they could be the same tank outbound and inbound, just refilled as the supply is used.<br /><br />During the long process of converting the water to fill the hydrogen and oxygen tanks, that hydrogen and oxygen would still be subject to the problems of boiloff losse <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>