No matter what scheme of filling or refilling you use, or how long it takes, you must have propellant tanks large enough to hold at least 24 tonnes of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. There is no escaping that fact. You can't use smaller propellant tanks than that if you want to return to Earth.....<br /><br />You also need propellant tanks to get to Mars, propellant tanks to enter orbit at Mars and as you say propellant tanks to return to Earth and with my thinking, enter orbit at Earth.<br /><br />LEO to LMO and back is a round trip and it is foolish to expect to take on propellant at Mars. Based on you 24 tonnes to leave LMO and return to Earth it would take close to 80 tonnes round trip. If you use LEO return boosters you would still need 40-45 tonnes. Enroute 5-10 tonnes would be used for electrical and environmental requirements and the amount would be ramped up to 15-20 tonnes to enter LMO. While in LMO you would only need the minimal amount and that would be increased for LMO departure, again using a minimal amount enroute and ramping that up for LEO entry, depending on mass say 20-30 tonnes.<br /><br />All I am proposing is keeping the propellant water until the Hydrogen and Oxygen are needed to reduce storage cost and complexity. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>