Moon Landings Faked? (and all other space mission fakery)

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Yuri_Armstrong":396srp87 said:
So basically what you're saying is that NOAA is a reliable source but NASA isn't because people called you out on this crackpot conspiracy theory, and you're using NOAA because it matches up with your beliefs that we didn't land on the moon.

So quantum, tell us, which government sources can we now rely on as accurate? Should we trust the CIA over the NSA?

Okay...take theory...add a conspiracy to the beginning of theory...then call it crackpot...If there is a conspiracy, the only ones that can tell you about it, are the ones that committed it. And they aren't about to fess up to their misdeeds. The rest of us can theorize about how it was pulled off...But that is all...

Are you trying to say that people do not conspire together?

And at least you didn't try to refute that NOAA did, in fact, record MAJOR SOLAR FLARES during Apollo missions. Kudos on that. But how about just commenting on the fact that NOAA's data proves both Windley and Apollo reports to be fictitious?

Still waiting for reason to show it's face....

BTW, you can trust who you want to. A ton of churches and cults are out there just waiting to let you trust them handle your money. Are you ready to hand it over. How about to an organization that automatically withdraws a certain percentage of your earnings, right out the gate? And you don't have a choice there. Your investment is automatic, and you don't get to say boo about what is done with it. Thank you for banking with Uncle Sam. We may or may not have a retirement fund left when you are old enough to earn it.

No, but you go ahead and trust NASA and all the other government agencies which have proven to be so trustworthy over the years.



This is the thread that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
Someone started posting it not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting it forever just because,
This is the thread that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
Someone started posting it not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting it forever just because,
This is the thread that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
Someone started posting it not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting it forever just because,
This is the thread that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
Someone started posting it not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting it forever just because,



cosmored":30hf04kl said:
Two pages back I requested that all pro-Apollo posters here say whether they thought the Chinese spacewalk was real, or faked.

Only Yuri_Armstrong has answered. He said it was real. I want to hear everybody's view on this.

It seems they have all gone mute since they can't seem to find it within them to admit that NASA and it's #1 apollo fanboy lied about major solar flares being non-existent during Apollo missions. If I were being paid, or freely debating in favor of NASA, and found myself either having to prop up a known lie, or shutting up, I'd choose shutting up as well.

I'd comment on the Chinese space walk, but it really doesn't concern me. If the Chinese wish to allow their government to take their money for fake missions, then that is their concern.

Currently I am concerned about what my government is doing with my money. And this Apollo thing is just one example of a huge swindle that worked. Our concern should be with becoming educated enough to know when we are being swindled. And then the next logical step is to convey that to our fellow citizens so they can be aware of what is happening. Without that, they will never act together to stop the insanity that our learless feeders allow to be done to us.



cosmored":2t1v0bdf said:
Only Yuri_Armstrong has answered. He said it was real. I want to hear everybody's view on this.
It was real. So?
Seriously, bring something worth to look in... Same gibberish on, and on, and on... "What about that? Umm... Ok, but what about this?... Or that? Or there?"

BTW, are you fluent in chinese?


Re: Moon Landings Faked?

Quantum11":2yf9tpvm said:
Firstly Von Braun collected more than enough 'moon' rocks during his trip to the antarctic in '"67. So the rest of the silliness about the rocks is obvious. I would personally have put a stamp on a rock as officially from the moon, if someone paid me a ____ load of cash. For anyone to think that a bunch of scientists cannot be bought off to sign off on something lke that, makes them very naive. Are you naive?

For someone crying about people introducing speculation into what (? you wanted ?) to be a science and fact based discussion you sure pulled out a whopper. So how many moon meterorites were collected and where's your proof of this ? How did all those scientists get bribed and not recount it to this day ? Why weren't the flare scientists also bought off (or killed even :eek: ) ? My mistake was thinking you were at all serious.

EDIT : BTW why would the Govt, trying to hide a massive conspiracy, send a well known rocket scientist to secretly collect moon rocks/meteorites from Antartica ? Wouldn't it have made more sense to send some unknown geologist ? And if "they" are corrupting all those who have analyzed the moon rocks, why bother going to Antartica to collect stuff in the first place ? Your story make no sense at all.

Quantum11":2yf9tpvm said:
I'm saving the information about the Major Solar flares that will undoubtedly lead to you, and other blind-faith believers in the Apollo God, in either ignoring, or making most outlandish claims about. I'm saving it until one of you finally admit that NOAA recorded major solar flares that both Jay Windley and NASA in their own Apollo reports, deny. Major solar flares during Apollo missionsl.

I've given you people the source, the links to the source, made you nice little illustrations to point out the facts, and still not one of you goes, "hey, this is kind of odd? Why would NASA lie about the lack of major solar flares, when NOAA has them clearly recorded in their CFI's index at the NGDC? Not one of you? What are you afraid of? You think NASA will get mad at you and come a calling asking for you to resign as unofficial Apollo defender? Or perhaps it's something a little more closer to your pocketbook? Afraid that your official Apollo coins will lose their value at the outing of the entire program? :cry:

You've yet to provide the data re: the deadliness of the flares you cited. What was the ionizing flux levels ? What was the density of energetic particles ? What class were these flares ? You like the word trounce ... so demonstrate some trouncing. Or are you going to hide behind the word major (why is that in quotes in the CFI ?) ? What does "major" mean ... in the CFI's context ?

Quantum11":2yf9tpvm said:
As for this directional excuse. Where do you apollo fanboys hang out to come up with just the same excuses to try and divert the truth? It's sad really....

Now, let me ask you a question...

What planets would NOAA measure the space weather for? Mars? Pluto? Venus? Gotta make sure those Venutians don't get hit with any major solar flares. Send the Venutians a warning....A CME just let loose!

Are you getting it or do I have to esplain it for you. Your answer is answered in the question...

Here's a news flash ... people study the sun and planets not just for the Earth's weather sake. For example the one of the inventors of the CFI worked at U of M's solar observatory. So where do the numbers for the CFI come from ? Those would have been various solar observatories. Are you contending that only Earth "aimed" flares are in the CFI ?

Quantum11":2yf9tpvm said:
Here is the problem with the whole moon landing hoax discussion.

First, everyone who enters this discussion, reallizes that to believe Apollo as factual, is to agree with History (written by the VICTORS), Science (the new religion), NASA (Seeded and headed by ardent NAZI scientists) US GOVERNMENT (Still can't find those well-hidden WMDs.) , and a majority of the human populace (gotta make a living, feed the kids, go to church).

So when you enter the arena, you know you have to first appeal to the sense of reason with the explanation for your side of the argument. I've tried reason here, and everyone seems to ignore it.

It's reasonable to ask questions of things that don't make sense. To question contradictions in both testimony and technology. It's unreasonable to adhere to distortions that explain nothing and atttempt to invoke a variety emotionally fueled responses.

Emotionally fueled responses ? Would those use the words naive ? Sure ask questions of things that don't make sense but don't try to build mountains from molehills either. Think about how many things have to be "invented" to make your conspiracy work and hold together. Von Braun collected moon rocks to distribute ... :?

Quantum11":2yf9tpvm said:
So, can we have a reasonable discussion on some very odd statements, and facts about Apollo with some credible, and logical admissions?

I doubt it. You wouldn't recognize reasonable if it smacked you in the butt.

Quantum11":2yf9tpvm said:
Why would Alan Bean not know he travelled far enough out to encounter the radiation belts? Why should we believe the LEM could withstand the shock of a landing on the moon, when Bean said the LEM couldn't hold up it's own weight on Earth? I mean WTF is that all about?

RE: VAB ... yo'd have to ask Alan Bean. Perhaps he just forgot what he used to know. Maybe he didn't pay attention in VAB class. RE: LEM ... I didn't see that part. But you tell me ... could the LEM have withstood the "shock" of a Moon landing ? How big would this shock have been ?

Quantum11":2yf9tpvm said:
If you don't laugh so hard you nearly piss yourself listening to poor bean trying to esplain this stuff, then you've lost your sense of humor. LOL

And what's with ole second place Aldrin trying to claim he discovered them first, when Bean says they hadn't been discovered by the time of his mission?

Got me. Perhaps Bean didn't hear about them from Aldrin. Or perhaps he just didn't recall after all these years. These are supposed to be some form of "proof" ?

Quantum11":2yf9tpvm said:
We currently use the need for radiation shielding developments to travel into and beyond our magnetosphere. And yet the space and radiation communties are well aware that aluminum is not only ineffective, but prove even more deadly due to secondary radiation fragmenting inside the space craft. And still they won't out Apollo?

I could go on and on about the contradictions minimilizations, deceptions, missing proofs, faked evidence, and outright lies...But let's see if you'll just start by admitting that NOAA proves NASA lied in their Apollo report, and Windley furthered that lie himself. And that there are many more other odd testimonies that reasonable individuals should not be afraid to discuss reasonably?

Sure we need more shielding development ... if we want to venture into space for longer periods of time ... like going to Mars.

BTW any chance you'll stick to just one topic until it's finished or is obfuscation via banzai attack your specialty ?


abq_farside":d2ylvus9 said:
This is the thread that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
Someone started posting it not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting it forever just because,
This is the thread that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
Someone started posting it not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting it forever just because,
This is the thread that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
Someone started posting it not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting it forever just because,
This is the thread that never ends.
It goes on and on my friends.
Someone started posting it not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting it forever just because,


It's a fine balance btw feeding the trolls and trying to not let the truth get lost in all the misdirections.


Mee_n_Mac":22bvjwsk said:
It's a fine balance btw feeding the trolls and trying to not let the truth get lost in all the misdirections.

Sadly they have little else to do then polute forums with their gibberish. But then again, make believe land can be more fun than reality. It's their circular logic that gets me. Do people really think that way?


BurgerB75":8h51m3rf said:
Mee_n_Mac":8h51m3rf said:
It's a fine balance btw feeding the trolls and trying to not let the truth get lost in all the misdirections.

Sadly they have little else to do then polute forums with their gibberish. But then again, make believe land can be more fun than reality. It's their circular logic that gets me. Do people really think that way?

It's not the circular logic that I find {Spock_voice} intriguing {/Spock_voice}, it's the leaps of "logic" that are required. Look at the immediately above ... we've got people collecting lunar meteorites to fake the moon rooks. Nevermind that we have 380 kg of moon rocks and there's something like a total of only 48 kg of lunar meteorites discovered over 30 years. Nevermind TPTB did this all in a single trip to Antartica. Nevermind that it was done in 1967, some 15 years before the 1'st meteorite was indentified as being from the Moon. Nevermind that 1967 was only 4 years after the concept that there might even be such meteorites here on Earth was published. We have bribed all the thousands of people who have examined samples of said rocks to remain quiet and that's worked all these years. This is the rational explanation for Moon rocks, the one that makes more sense that having us actually go to the Moon.



Seriously. It would seem to be easier to actually go there than create this elaborate hoax. :lol:

Oh well, as long as the people that are important to me know what we accomplished I'm a happy man. Had my oldest daughter watch The Right Stuff and Apollo 13 a few months ago with me. She loved them and has been on a science kick lately! Score!! :D


Thanks for answering Quantum.

The Chinese spacewalk was so obviously faked that it makes a good objectivity test. Disinfo agents find themselves between a rock and a hard place. They can't disagree with NASA and they can't say it was real without looking silly. That's why they go mute.

A few of you pro-Apollo people still haven't answered. I'm going to keep asking until everybody answers.


I've got news for all of you ...

Not only did NASA fake the moon landings, they have even faked us all into thinking we live on a planet called Earth, which is the 3rd rock from a G class star.

We actually live in the inside of the meteor that, form the inside, is disguised as a planet to its inhabitants. We're actually hurtling through the Universe, on an eventual collision course with another planet. There are no satellites in orbit - every launch of every rocket has been fake. The NASA engineers simply install antennas on our "fake" sky, that beam back signals to simulate satellites.

Ever see the Star Trek episode ... For the World is Hollow and I have Touched The Sky

and you thought Star Trek wasn't real ... yet another lie NASA would like you all to believe


cosmored":2rdluy0x said:
Thanks for answering Quantum.

The Chinese spacewalk was so obviously faked that it makes a good objectivity test. Disinfo agents find themselves between a rock and a hard place. They can't disagree with NASA and they can't say it was real without looking silly. That's why they go mute.

A few of you pro-Apollo people still haven't answered. I'm going to keep asking until everybody answers.

IIRC the controversy was about bubbles or the like ? What was it that was faked, the spacewalk or the whole launch and orbital insertion ? Given the new name of this thread I guess this is the place to discuss it but there was a prior thread ...



darkmatter4brains":7z7wc0dv said:
I've got news for all of you ...

Not only did NASA fake the moon landings, they have even faked us all into thinking we live on a planet called Earth, which is the 3rd rock from a G class star.

We actually live in the inside of the meteor that, form the inside, is disguised as a planet to its inhabitants. We're actually hurtling through the Universe, on an eventual collision course with another planet. There are no satellites in orbit - every launch of every rocket has been fake. The NASA engineers simply install antennas on our "fake" sky, that beam back signals to simulate satellites.

Ever see the Star Trek episode ... For the World is Hollow and I have Touched The Sky

and you thought Star Trek wasn't real ... yet another lie NASA would like you all to believe

That's just crazy talk. Don't you know that space is full of intents, deedly RADIATION !!! !! ! !

Chock full of it ! It's RADIATION !!! ! !

We'd all be dead in picoseconds if we were actually in space.



cosmored":786i9lhh said:
... The Chinese spacewalk was so obviously faked that it makes a good objectivity test. Disinfo agents find themselves between a rock and a hard place. They can't disagree with NASA and they can't say it was real without looking silly. That's why they go mute.

A few of you pro-Apollo people still haven't answered. I'm going to keep asking until everybody answers.

The Chinese spacewalk and accusations that it was faked were answered very well indeed (in my opinion) in a thread started in March last year here. (As also mentioned by Mee_n_Mac. The thread only consists of one page so it's not masses of reading, and take special note of the posts by CalliArcale and JonClarke.)

You accuse people of not answering, but plenty of points you've raised regarding the moon 'hoax' have been answered (Soviets' 'collusion in cover-up,' hundreds of thousands of employees 'paid to keep quiet,' etc etc) but instead of saying 'I think you're wrong because of this and this and this' you just ignored it and change the subject completely - in this case making an accusation about the Chinese spacewalk.

So I take it you agree then with all the points we've answered then, re the alleged moon hoax do you, have finally seen sense and now at last do believe we did go to the moon?


Mee_n_Mac":3bdyrmlc said:
That's just crazy talk. Don't you know that space is full of intents, deedly RADIATION !!! !! ! !

Chock full of it ! It's RADIATION !!! ! !

We'd all be dead in picoseconds if we were actually in space.

I eat radiation for breakfast.


That's the anti-space conspiracy wing for ya. I knew a guy that said the same thing and that the room at the Smithsonian that is a mock up of the Moon landing is the actual room that was used to shoot the video of the Moon Landing. I seriously think that these types of people are so introverted and self delusional because they think that know one should be higher than they are based on their relationship with their religion based on their name(s) are the real morons of this country.

I guess all of those people that watch the shuttle being launched on a yearly basis are all fake people as well as the shuttle launching's being fake as well. The only people that think that the Moon landing was faked are religous right wing republican nuts who are still peaved about a Democrat launching a mission to the Moon.


LOL, do you know who the president was for the moon landing missions?

I guess not! :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS, it's peeved...



I'm almost positive that clicking on this thread the other day I heard it mutter BRAAAAAAIINNNNSSSSSSSS!

If it starts shambling after you when you leave it, remember to shoot for the head!


tom_hobbes":3dv8s2va said:

I'm almost positive that clicking on this thread the other day I heard it mutter BRAAAAAAIINNNNSSSSSSSS!

If it starts shambling after you when you leave it, remember to shoot for the head!


BurgerB75":3ii87hud said:
Seriously. It would seem to be easier to actually go there than create this elaborate hoax. :lol:

Oh well, as long as the people that are important to me know what we accomplished I'm a happy man. Had my oldest daughter watch The Right Stuff and Apollo 13 a few months ago with me. She loved them and has been on a science kick lately! Score!! :D

Have you broke the news to your daughter about the innocent little Santa lie? You know they guy that defies gravity with help from his antler buddies, high on magic dust? Well, wait until she figures out why NASA used a mythical gods name, for it's mythical missions....


Mee_n_Mac":a6doejrb said:
That's just crazy talk. Don't you know that space is full of intents, deedly RADIATION !!! !! ! !

Chock full of it ! It's RADIATION !!! ! !

We'd all be dead in picoseconds if we were actually in space.



Great, so you too can post unrelated links. This is a common theme among some unscientific posters here... :roll: :lol:

Talk about "hand-waving"!!