Hi Kamarinas86 -<br /><br />It has made the rounds on foreign talk shows because it continues to be represented as authentic even though it is not. Given that aviation cases can be strong, UFO devotees often point to them as confirmation of their own contentions. However, most UFO "experts" are self-declared and haven't the credentials to discuss aviation related UAP/UFO cases. <br /><br />As far as Jaime Maussan is concerned, he fits the above description quite well. The FAM case of March 04 is a great example of the kind of "researcher" Jaime Maussan is. <br /><br />As for why the Raelians are passing it off as authentic, well, I wouldn't trust the words of a UFO cult, either.<br /><br />In this field, believers are as bad as debunkers.<br /><br />This alleged documentation of a nmac with a UFO is an example of the kind of case offered as "dramatic proof" by people seeking notariety. The reality of it is that there are scams as bad and worse out there that make this simple misrepresentation look tame.<br /><br />The TNT production "Secret KGB UFO Files" narrated by Roger Moore contains footage of alleged aviation encounters with UAP that are clearly forged. I know because I run a group composed of aviation nuts and one of them actually had the airshow footage used by the animators to create the images of UFO in the footage. If that wasn't bad enough, one of our engineers quickly pointed out that an over-the-shoulder video of an alleged Russian Mig Pilot engaging a UFO was actually footage from inside a US military F-16..... Yet, this production makes the rounds. You tell me why.<br /><br />Back to the WTC Video: My organization specializes in examining cases involving unidentified aerial phenomena and aviation safety. Our papers appear in the National Transportation Library as a resource in aviation accident investigations. We have the Chief of the Aviation Safety Program Office at NASA Ames Research Center on our staff as well as a host of other aviation and aeronautics resou