NASA’s inspector general probed

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<b>NASA’s inspector general probed<br />Accusations include failure to investigate safety violations</b><br /><br /><br />The Washington Post<br />Updated: 11:26 p.m. ET Feb. 2, 2006<br /><br />An FBI-led watchdog agency has opened an investigation into multiple complaints accusing NASA Inspector General Robert W. Cobb of failing to investigate safety violations and retaliating against whistle-blowers. Most of the complaints were filed by current and former employees of his own office.<br /><br />Written complaints and supporting documents from at least 16 people have been given to investigators. They allege that Cobb, appointed by President Bush in 2002, suppressed investigations of wrongdoing within NASA, and abused and penalized his own investigators when they persisted in raising concerns.<br /><br /> <br />• More U.S. news<br />The complaints are being reviewed by the Integrity Committee of the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency. The complaints describe efforts by Cobb to shut down or ignore investigations on issues such as a malfunctioning self-destruct procedure during a space shuttle launch at the Kennedy Space Center, and the theft of an estimated $1.9 billion worth of data on rocket engines from NASA computers.<br /><br /><br />Link here />>>>> for full story....<br /><br /><br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" />


Today at the Cafe De Nile we will be serving Crow Pie, Roast Crow, Crow Soup, and Crow Salad. All you NASA apologists are specifically invited to stop by for a heaping helping.... <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />


Holy cow.... We all knew there was mismanagement going on, but the alleged theft of $1.9 billion worth of rocket designs is another story altogether. I mean, one can blame incompetence for disregarding safety warnings, and pride for retaliating against whistleblowers, but theft on such a large scale -- it's awfully hard to see that being accidental. I'm glad this is being investigated seriously, because this is very serious business. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#666699"><em>"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly . . . timey wimey . . . stuff."</em>  -- The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>


My questions are these? <br /><br />How long has it been going on? Since Goldin or Okeefe? Before them as Administrators? <br /><br />Who else is covering things up? Both up and down the chain of command.<br /><br />Who else knew and did nothing? What other managers are gonna spill the beans or resign over this?<br /><br />Are there other conspirators? I seem to think I can count more on one hand and maybe possibly two hands.<br /><br />Was the IG he replaced aware of these same issues? Or was it always been this way?<br /><br />How do you surpress outside audits? Perhaps if an outside audit was done then the wrong doing would come to light. ENRON type thing coming to light here possibly...<br /><br />I mean we can go on and on with questions but to allow over a billion dollars worth of rocket technology to just get stolen is beyond me.<br /><br />I think there are other contributers to this problem and the office he works in. The game is afoot. I dont think it goes to the President but when Okeefe's name was mentioned my jaw dropped. <br /><br />We will probably find out later that there has been some serious misues of government funds and mismanagement all along with tons of money going to personal accounts and certain individuals and contractors that should not have been getting those funds.<br /><br />Until all the facts come out I dont believe all of NASA is currupt but I do sense a disturbance in the Force....<br /><br />Beyond Shuttle mismanagement........<br /><br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" /><br />


It's all gone into Stargate Command, haven't you been watching tv? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />


All I have to say is that something like this can have two outocmes. It could either clean up NASA in a way that only an outside un-biased agency can or it could officaly send NASA down the tubes as an unreliable, good-for-nothing bunch of crooks (not that they already aren't). If this got really serous, it could mean the end of NASA, opening up space to everyone else wanting to go through the door but can't cause be fat NASA was in the way.
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