"But as the facts poured in, I had to pay attention. And now, as a taxpayer, I'm faced with spending more of my money to see yet more delays in resumption of shuttle flights. <br />But to complete an ISS that has no specific and/or vital mission? No thank you. Spend my money on the Moon and Mars, please."<br /><br />There's nothing wrong with finishing and operating the ISS. It was put there to do studies and there is nothing to prevent that station from fulfilling its promise AND pursuing the Moon and beyond. Nothing except our courage, that is. <br /><br />Like I said before, we need to see that the STS is better now than it was over 2 years ago...less damage after ascent, more camera eyes than before to understand and gain knowledge from...in my opinion, Discovery is one of the fittest shuttle ever flown. But do we -- the public -- see this? Noooo. We see (like never before, via technology and the drive of the nightly news) a piece of foam....a nick, a chip. We warp our thoughts on the things that we THINK are bad but, in actuality, are nothing at all in relation to past missions. We see a piece of FOAM -- now an everyday common household word -- and BOO!, its like seeing the boogie man. <br /><br />I swear, if it wasn't for the perception that the Press generates, NASA wouldn't hesitate to launch Atlantis is September. But we lost the courage. Get that back and we could have it all.