Negative Mass exists, Newton's Laws opposite

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Aug 14, 2020
I was randomly reaching in my thoughts with the above #75 post.

I think this is much, much more like the probable reality!

Oct 11, 2024
For gravity, wouldn't one need a negative space for negative gravity? And what would happen to EM in a negative space? Does it fly backwards?

Does negative space shrink?

Any mass can be positively or negatively charged, just like a neutrino is a negatively charged neutron that is negative matter because it displaces space/time/the three forces, and this displacement is the definition of matter itself. We have trouble understanding that matter starts at the quantum/atomic level by displacing the three forces, so a neutrino is negative matter/mass as it was created in a negative EM field, just like a neutron is positive matter/mass that is neutrally charged, and it was created in a positive EM field. The behavior of these two types of matter change depending on the field they are in determines how they behave. We tend to think of something that takes up space as positive matter and negative nothingness as negative matter, and it's really about the charged object in the field (or a differently charged field would cause reverse functions) that determines gravities direction of plus G or minus G. Just like you use +G in math for work in our solar system and -G in math for the motion at blackholes, or closer and further apart, showing that gravity has two functions which creates symmetry in our universe just like electrons and positrons, symmetry. Just like having positive matter and negative matter are symmetry. When matter is created, it displaces space/time/forces or the expansion of space (like putting your fist in water, the fist displaces the water and the water expands just like space does, and blackholes tearing matter apart will directly influence contraction of space as it breaks down matter displacing space. Hope this helps...
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I think that I have mass, matter, energy, inertia, dipoles, atomic structure, absorption, radiation, decay and redshift…... all figured out. And satisfied with it.

And I think that the gravitational attraction only appears with a dipole bond. And only effects dipole bonds. Gravity is s dipole property, not a fundamental matter/particle property.

And I also think that entanglement is a dipole property too. Gravity is still the main mystery. And space has nothing to do with it.

But only I think this. It’s a singular supposition.

My pet peeve is light. It’s velocity does vary with detector displacement and it has a duty cycle, not a frequency.

But that is singular too.
Oct 11, 2024
Gravity is the result of the nuclear strong force x weak force x electromagnet force, as the three fundamental forces create gravities effects on any object.

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