New Firefly movie "Serenity" trailer!

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<i>Great news. <br /><br />It got a good week for release, 2 fairly big films out next week but no real competition this week. <br /><br />Wallace and Grommit and Lord of War both out next week. <br /><br />Just picked up a copy of Hotdog havn't read it yet but the cover says. <br /><br />"Star What? - Serenity best sci - fi film of the year"</i><br /><br />Flynn,<br /><br />Wallace & Gromit will kick major arse. And, if any movie other than Serenity were out, I'd be one of the first through the door to see the were-rabbit terrorize the silver screen.<br /><br />The timing was obviously better for the UK release. Meanwhile, the movie has done 'okay' in the US. Actually, #2 during opening weekend strikes me as damned good. <i>Star Wars</i> had plenty more advertising. Of course, it was breaking new ground in movies. Still, I'd say Serenity is part of that tradition - a low-budget, no-big-names movie which nevertheless does quite well and makes money. And, as with <i>Star Wars</i>, it introduces a major new up-and-coming director to the world of movies. Whedon clearly has a future in the industry, no matter where he decides to go.<br /><br />Maybe this movie really is the beginning of the next <i>Star Wars</i>?<br /><br />Forgot to post the following to this thread last week (though I did hit the other thread here in the Science Fiction forum with it):<br /><br />From SCIFI.COM | Firefly:<br /><br /><b>FRIDAY, OCT. 7</b><br /><br /><font color="yellow">"Trash"</font><br /><br /><i>Mal's former wife, con artist Saffron, returns with a scheme to steal a rare antique weapon, but Mal learns there is no honor among thieves and more about Saffron's past than he ever wanted to know.</i><br /><br />EVERY FRIDAY AT 7/6C<br /><br />And <i>this</i> week - today, as a matter of fact:<br /><br />From <a target="_blank"></a>


<i>Ok it was pretty cool, very cool. <br /><br />So what's the scuttlebutt on a series revival or more movies...?</i><br /><br />Universal obviously made the decision about a sequel before the movie hit the theaters. Did they decide, 'If the movie performs in line with expectations, then we'll make a sequel'? Or did they decide, 'If the movie performs well beyond expectations, then we'll make a sequel'? Don't know. If the former, though, then I'd say we'll be seeing more of <i>Serenity</i>'s crew in the future.<br /><br />It is now my understanding that the $80 million worldwide benchmark includes the DVD sales. The DVD set of the series itself has sold a million copies. So I am actually an optimist this time around, and expect something more to happen in Whedon's 'verse. Either another movie, or a return of the series. My guess, though, would be another movie.<br /><br />By the way, very cool about the Dubai building! How did you find that picture of me and my truck anyway?


Bit of a hallmark of his series actually, thats what made them so good.<br /><br />Just look at how the cast evolved throughout the run of Angel and to a lesser part Buffy. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


ZeroGeezus,<br /><br />Flynn's right. Whedon does not flinch at killing off characters. At least not too much. Okay, some characters he simply can't bear to completely kill off, such as Spike on <i>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</i>. (Returns in disembodied form in the spinoff series <i>Angel</i>.) But he did kill off a powerful witch on the Buffy show, a long-time member of Buffy's vampire-slaying team. And killed off a major love-interest character on the show before that. And so on. Risk and sacrifice make heroism real?<br /><br />That said, the actors were aware Whedon was planning to kill off characters. Allegedly, one of the actors whose career is taking off (who also may have felt sympathy for the other actors not so fortunate) volunteered to be killed off in the movie.<br /><br />As for sequel possibilities, I was given a major reality check by my movie industry expert today. She tells me it's not looking so good for a sequel and that Whedon is already 'moving on.' Apparently, between Katrina and rising gas prices, box-office numbers are down across the board. Which has not helped <i>Serenity</i>.


ZeroGeezus,<br /><br />Been away a couple of days.<br /><br />First, let me post those links you requested in the other thread here as well:<br /><br /> - Firefly.HomePage<br /><br />Worlds of <i>Serenity</i> by Wil McCarthy (Science Fiction Weekly)<br /><br />FireflyFans.Net<br /><br />I might also be tempted to offer this link - Browncoats - Official Serenity Fan Site - but it's sponsored by the studio. Once the movie fades from the scene, Universal will accidentally hit 'DELETE' and purge the entire Serenity site, including those pages devoted to the fans. Just a matter of time.<br /><br />The good news, however, is that the movie does appear to actually 'have legs.' And has stayed up in theaters for two-and-a-half weeks, now heading into its fourth weekend. Those who know the industry and who track the numbers are saying the movie is doing well given the near-total absence of television advertising.<br /><br />So continue to keep your fingers crossed for a sequel.<br /><br /><i>Is it just me or does the ship seem alot bigger on the inside then it looks on the outside?</i><br /><br />Wasn't that a great trick! Camera lazily rolls around the outside of a spaceship, floating in the silence of space. Then, as the tour wraps up, the rockets mounted on the sides rotate to point down, and flames engulf the vehicle. And you now find yourself facing the large viewplates at her nose, affording a view inside her bridge, where you see the pilot and the captain talking. Zoom in, and follow the captain as he hurries through his ship, making sure all is ready for the landing. All in one unbroken shot.<br /><br />As to the size question. M


WOW!<br />I would love to see them build THAT in Chicago!<br /><br /><font color="black">Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities. <br />Frank Loyd Wright</font>


an amusing Serenity spoof, apologies if it has been posted before (contains some profanity)<br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#993366"><em>The only laws of matter are those which our minds must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter.</em> <br /> --- James Clerk Maxwell</font></p> </div>


<img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


<i>(contains some profanity)</i><br /><br />Also contains some spoilers. Well, really all the spoilers are there. But funny! Thanks.<br /><br />If you like send-ups, though, then I recommend:<br /><br />


yup, but it starts with a spoiler warning, so no harm done <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#993366"><em>The only laws of matter are those which our minds must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter.</em> <br /> --- James Clerk Maxwell</font></p> </div>


<i>yup, but it starts with a spoiler warning, so no harm done</i><br /><br />Cool.<br /><br />WmDragon, you may want to check out the mosquito - fun parody of <i>Firefly</i>. Warning: Mild sexual content.<br /><br />And, since it's Friday...<br /><br />From SCIFI.COM | Firefly:<br /><br /><b>FRIDAY, OCT. 21</b><br /><br /><font color="yellow">"Heart of Gold"</font><br /><br /><i>BROADCAST PREMIERE! Mal defends a bordello from a cruel gunslinger, who fathered a child with one of the girls and now plans to kidnap the child.</i><br /><br />EVERY FRIDAY AT 7/6C<br /><br />If you actually go to the SciFi Channel's site, they show the title of last week's episode - 'The Message' - rather than the title of the episode actually airing tonight. Someone is not doing their job in updating the page properly.<br /><br />Good episode, especially if you enjoy the character of Jayne, who provides a great deal of the show's comic relief, or if you enjoy the sight of a large number of attractive women gracing your television screen. 'Nuff said!<br /><br />On in 20 minutes. <br /><br /><i>[Edit: Oops! Fixed now.]</i>


is scifi channel showing ALL the episodes in the DVDs, even the ones that did not originally air? I want to make sure I see tham all (just missed one so far) <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#993366"><em>The only laws of matter are those which our minds must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter.</em> <br /> --- James Clerk Maxwell</font></p> </div>


To quote Ed McMahon, you are correct, sir!<br /><br />The SciFi Channel is doing what Fox failed to do. It is airing <i>all</i> the episodes of the series. Fox paid to have 14 episodes made, then aired only 11 of them. Out of order. On Friday. Pre-empted often.<br /><br />The good people at the SciFi Channel have given the television-viewing audience the chance to see the series as it should have been seen. And God bless them. : )<br /><br />I've announced every airing of an episode of <i>Firefly</i> on the SciFi Channel on this thread: ***Firefly movie 'SERENITY' opens TODAY to great reviews!***<br /><br />Last Friday, 'Heart of Gold,' a good old-fashioned Western shoot-out, aired on the SciFi Channel. It was never aired by Fox. The Friday before that, 'The Message' was premiered. Ostensibly about the costs of war, but actually about quite a bit more - when you decide something (or someone) is important enough to die for, what does that really mean?<br /><br />The series finalé, 'Objects in Space,' will be shown for the first time this Friday, wrapping up the re-airing of the series. Excellent episode, and also a sort of prequel to the movie.<br /><br />More information is available on that thread.<br /><br />The movie has had its month in the theaters. Universal is waiting to see what happens with the DVD release of the movie, where it hopes to make most of its money. Sequel, though? Maybe not. : (<br /><br />So, now that you've seen most of the series, as well as the movie, are there any related DVD purchases in your future...? Universal wants to know. : )


"The series finalé, 'Objects in Space,' will be shown for the first time this Friday, wrapping up the re-airing of the series. Excellent episode, and also a sort of prequel to the movie. "<br /><br />look forward to that. too bad I missed the episode two weeks ago, could have called it a wrap tomorrow night (I get compulsive with series I like and make an effort to see every single episode, like I did with STNG). guess I'll wait for the scifi channel reruns or borrow the DVD series.<br /><br />it is odd watching these last few episodes after the movie, knowing how it all ends. my wife and I were saddened by Heart of Gold, Wash and Zoe talking about having children. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#993366"><em>The only laws of matter are those which our minds must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter.</em> <br /> --- James Clerk Maxwell</font></p> </div>


Wmdragon, sorry, looks like I leaped before I looked.<br /><br />Turns out the finalé airs next week on SciFi rather than tonight. <i>Firefly</i> pre-empted? Is there any precedent for this? I believe the movie <i>Route 666</i> is being shown tonight instead, as part of SciFi's <i>13 Days of Halloween</i>.<br /><br />Yes, the ending of the series provided by the movie comes with a cost. Made me sad, too. Who knows how differently the longer story would have played out had it been allowed to run its course for 3 or 5 seasons, rather than only 1/2?<br /><br />I say someone needs to get you the DVD of the series for Xmas. : )


<i>look forward to that. too bad I missed the episode two weeks ago, could have called it a wrap tomorrow night (I get compulsive with series I like and make an effort to see every single episode, like I did with STNG). guess I'll wait for the scifi channel reruns or borrow the DVD...</i><br /><br />WmDragon,<br /><br />Maybe there's a silver lining here. You could regard those missed episodes as 'lost episodes' you'll be privileged to see after the series is over. Something to look forward to later?<br /><br />By the way, a handy resource for anyone interested in the series:<br /><br />Firefly - DVD Season 1


From SCIFI.COM | Firefly:<br /><br /><b>FRIDAY, Nov. 4</b><br /><br /><font color="yellow">"Objects in Space"</font><br /><br /><i>SERIES FINALE: A ruthless bounty hunter in pursuit of River seizes control of the Serenity and its crew.</i><br /><br />EVERY FRIDAY AT 7/6C<br /><br />The movie, by the way, is still playing at selected locations across the country, but has for the most part departed to make room for newer fare.<br /><br />DVD of the movie will be in stores starting December 20th - fastest conversion from theater release to DVD release I've ever heard of. Not sure if that's supposed to be good or bad. Normally, I'd say bad. But Universal got into this with the DVD in mind in the first place. The box-office run sets the stage for the DVD, and the DVD is really where Universal is looking to make its money.<br /><br />So put it on your Christmas list. If the DVD does well, then there will be a sequel. After tonight, though, it's farewell to <i>Serenity</i> till Christmas.


Though I've pretty much retreated from the Web lately, I'll always come back with anything semi-newsy about <i>Firefly</i> or <i>Serenity</i>. If you go to SCIFI.COM | Schedulebot today, you'll see:<br /><br />07:00 PM FIREFLY JAYNESTOWN<br />08:00 PM FIREFLY OUT OF GAS<br />09:00 PM FIREFLY ARIEL<br />10:00 PM FIREFLY WAR STORIES<br /><br />Synopses follow:<br /><br /><br /><b>Jaynestown -</b><br /><br />Tough and gruff mercenary Jayne mistaken for a local Robin Hood, and honored by a popular ballad? Smuggling mud? The whiskey preacher's power to awe is tied to his scalp? The Bible can be improved and made self-consistent? Though not all of that seems to go together, it nevertheless mixes well enough to make one of the most funny and entertaining episodes of <i>Firefly</i>.<br /><br /><br /><b>Out of Gas -</b><br /><br />Kaylee, <i>Serenity</i>'s intuitive mechanic, long ago warned Mal his ship was in need of a new part. Now that part - the port compression coil's catalyzer - has blown, leaving the transport adrift in deep space. With no real hope of rescue so far out from regular transfer orbits, <i>Serenity</i>'s captain conceives a desperate scheme for the crew's survival in which his own life will almost certainly be lost. As the plan is carried out, Mal finds himself alone with recollections of how he first assembled his crew. In contrast to the tragic circumstances of the present, the flashbacks are without exception comic fun. Backstory not provided in the pilot is offered, going back to events taking place before the first episode.<br /><br /><br /><b>Ariel -</b><br /><br />Some of River's mysterious past is unravelled as <i>Serenity</i>'s crew stages a bold drug-heist at a hospital on a Core Planet in the heart of the Alliance. Seemingly inhuman operatives for the Alliance, sporting peculiar blue hands and wielding high-tech weapons never shown elsewhere in the series, meanwhile close in on their


Serak,<br /><br />Firefly opened here last Thursday and I'm planning on seeing it either tommorow or Sunday night. It has gotten some mildly positive reviews (funny - nice characters, plot and sfx), so I'm quite eager to go see it for myself. I will post my review here afterwards.


<i>I'm planning on seeing it either tommorow or Sunday night.... I will post my review here afterwards.</i><br /><br />Rhodan,<br /><br />I've heard there hasn't been a great track-record for the dubbing of this movie. For instance, the French version was a rushed hack job. Which reminds me of my experience with <i>Das Boot</i>. I was lucky enough to see the subtitled version first. <i>Das Boot</i> with subtitles was better than <i>Das Boot</i> with dubbing (dubbed version, however, wasn't that bad). So I hope you get to see the <i>Firefly</i> movie without the dubbing.<br /><br />Looking forward to your review. My guess is you'll like <i>Serenity</i>, but that your liking of it will be qualified with some thoughtful criticisms. The real challenge for those making it was to maintain the link with the television series while telling a story newcomers could understand and enjoy. Universal, persuaded by the strong sales of the DVD of the series, opted to gamble on that challenge being met (while also indulging in an experiment in low-budget movie-making). To me, the gamble paid off, but my view is biased. I showed up on opening day as a fan who'd already seen the series.<br /><br />But the reviews over here have been very favorable (see, for example, this or this from the Serenity movie thread).<br /><br />Anyway, have a good time and enjoy the show! I'm curious which characters and scenes you'll like the most.<br /><br />Meanwhile, a look at the SCIFI.COM | Schedulebot reveals <i>another</i> FourFireflyathon tonight:<br /><br />11/23/2005 07:00 PM FIREFLY TRASH <br />11/23/2005 08:00 PM


<i>I've heard there hasn't been a great track-record for the dubbing of this movie. For instance, the French version was a rushed hack job. Which reminds me of my experience with Das Boot. I was lucky enough to see the subtitled version first. Das Boot with subtitles was better than Das Boot with dubbing (dubbed version, however, wasn't that bad). So I hope you get to see the Firefly movie without the dubbing.</i><br /><br />Ah, no dubbing here, always subtitles, unless its a kids movie, so I won't have that problem. <br /><br />Anyway, my date for Sunday night cancelled...<img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" />...but I'll get another chance later this week! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br />


Rhodan,<br /><br />Glad to hear there's no dubbing! With any luck, I am going to try and see the movie again tonight. Right now, though, I'm about to settle down to a viewing of <i>Solaris</i>.<br /><br />So how'd it go? Did you see the movie?


<i>Glad to hear there's no dubbing! With any luck, I am going to try and see the movie again tonight. Right now, though, I'm about to settle down to a viewing of Solaris.</i><br /><br />Hey, the Russian version or the Soderbergh remake? I liked both BTW.<br /><br />Yes, I got to see Serenity and I have some mixed feelings about. First off; it was an exciting film, worth the money, so anyone who hasn't seen it yet, should definitly go and see it in the cinema while you still can. Or rent it when you're too late already. Hmmm, I'll post a review later. I may go see it a second time next week, so I'll perhaps wait till after that happened.


Just to remind people that the DVD is out on 20th. Considering the high fraction of people who saw the movie are going to get the DVD, it should easily make more in sales than it cost them to make.
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