New thinking

Mar 23, 2025
Hi, lets try looking forward :)
forward and thinking new ways.
- Faster than light travel will be possible
- Gravity is solved
- Learning that universe have no limits in size forward or backwards in time.

I have no idea how, but think this is the way to go and search...

A new thinking would be realizing that the beginning of this universe can not be determined. A new thinking would be realizing that time and length are constant pillars that all motion must obey. That space is emptiness without properties. A non entity. And that there is only one dimension, length, and that it is an orthogonal dimension. And that the same second fills all of matter and space. New thinking would be realizing that CERN proves matter can only fragment, never superposition.

And the realization that no one has a clue of what gravity is. Or what matter is….. or what light is.

That would be new thinking.

You will never see it.


Apr 3, 2020
I have calculated all four forces in quantum, and explained the forces, but trying to actually get a college to look at it...IMPOSSIBLE. I finally just mailed the whole thing. Whether anyone reads it????
That is a different issue altogether. Aside from emailing people, have you tried making an appointment with the physics chair at a college or university and meeting with someone, in person?

Can you imagine the cold calls/messages these guys get from others?

Lots of people have theories that are simply wrong. That may not be the case here, but asking someone to read something that hasn't been formally vetted in some way is not going to be fruitful.

Take the extra step and engage with a real person. Good luck.
Mar 23, 2025
Hi Thanks for replys an engagement.
Gibense :Yes that seems the way as we have no way of knowing. And lot of threats, but no means to counter any.
Classical Motion:
I know I will never see, but it will happend.
Let say in a 1000 years we have now new knowledege an technology ?
Jhixon, you are mabye thinkan the wrong way, backwards ?
COLGeek :
Physics chair, OK, I couldt meet, but they would hate me for havin cause\agenda the they propably not could answer to.

AS mentioned, new thinkig is a good thing.
Old things we have learend from.
But if we do not hink new, we might be stuck.

Nice evening.


Apr 3, 2020
Yes COLGeek.
We must defenaetly use what we know, and use it.
But we must use it to look forwards, not looking backwards.
I get where you are coming from. Just future progress must be based on past and current foundations.

Many have future oriented theories based on nonexistent, imaginary underpinnings.

There is a huge difference here and many fail to grasp that.
Mar 23, 2025
Hi, my intention with this is not to com up with a new theory (I Dont have any :))
But a discussion on the matter and check the community on toughts.
Are people thinking old or new :)
Mar 23, 2025
Thats the problem ?
Thinking old and new.
Let the old be in mind but think new

You know, the old has not solved issues in my first post.
OK, stretching it.
Have a nice evening..

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