Dragon04, in the first place all of the rockets used in the Redstone sub orbital program, the Atlas Mercury program, and even the Gemini programs were NOT NASA rockets! This seems to be something that many people here do not realize. They were converted IRBM's and ICBM's of the Air Force Intercontinental Ballistic Missile program. So we can neither totally blame NASA nor give entire credit to NASA for either the success or the possible failure of those rockets. And the true miracle is that they did NOT fail!
The first actual NASA rockets were the Saturn IB series, and then the incredible Saturn V series. And while I do support the alt.space efforts I seriously doubt if we will ever see the like of the Saturn V from such efforts. The entire rocket weighed in at some 3,000 tons! Just the handling equipment for such a rocket was vast and therefore very expensive!
I am not your enemy or the enemy of anybody else here, as I have tried to make it clear I support all space efforts whether it be the incredibly small amount for NASA's budget, or the equally small amount that can be spent by alt.space.
What I do object to however, is the attitude that you and some others have of seemingly objecting to supporting NASA and its Human Space Efforts, and would put the just beginning efforts of such as spacex in the place of the incredible amount of experience of not only NASA but also such private NAS contractor companies as LM and Boeing.
For instance, I have actually worked on such rocket engines as the venerable F-1, J-2, and mainly the truly remarkable SSME's. Just as an example how do you think that the ends of the rocket nozzles for these engines are machined to very precise measurements over some eight feet for such as the SSME, or even more up to some 12 feet for the F-1? Well, it takes vertical turret lathes of great size and power, and such equipment is very expensive. Heck dragon, just why do you think that spacex needs at least $100 million to even begin to machine and build the Falcon 9? And yes, those costs should be then amortized over the life of the rockets themselves, just as those costs were so amortized over the literally hundreds of Delta and Atlas rockets that were built over the last 30 years or so. And that is just one of the reasons why these rockets were so expensive for so long, or did you not realize that?
The big advantage of such as Rocketdyne and Boeing is that they not only have had such machinery for the last 40 years or more, but they also have the very skilled workers that it takes to run such machinery. These types of products are of such a nature that zero defects is actually not just a slogan, it IS an absolute necessity!
Now, if my pointing this out to such as yourself makes me somehow some kind of an elitist, then perhaps I am to some extent, but the product that I actually helped to make (and not all of it was for even the government, the Delta II and the Atlas II were both extensively used for commercial satellite deployment), was in itself an elitist product! By the way, I also got to work on the original B1-A bomber, the Lance Missile Systems, Guidance system parts for the minuteman missile systems, and the entire fourth stage of the Peacekeeper Missile System, so my experience also went towards the existence of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) which kept the USSR and the US from literally blowing up this planet for some 40 years or so of the Cold War!
So I would like to think that just maybe I have paid back my dues for my governmental education and career! Or were we wrong in stopping the USSR from taking over the world all those years?
It is NOT the support for the alt.space efforts that I object to at all. In fact as I stated I fully support and am very proud of those fully American efforts! It IS the other side of the coin here that I so object to. You know, that both the government and its private contractors are somehow bilking the US taxpayer out of his/her hard earned money! That not only BS it is also totally slanderous of the incredible efforts made by literally millions of hard working middle class American workers such as myself! And quite certainly I grow damn sick and tired of it here on a site that supposedly supports the American (as well as other countries) space efforts, especially the Human side of things!!
American aerospace workers have every right to feel that they are the elite, because it IS true! Just ask any of our former enemies in this world if you don't believe my biased view!
Is that concise and clear enough also?
I CAN use that government paid for education and work experience to continue for a very long time here, but I am certain that the use of such facts would only bore you and some others, so I will restrain myself! By the way, the only government that paid for my education was the state of California as I went to Pierce Jr. College, which is a fully state supported Jr College here in the Sam Fernando Valley. I started for my final two years at UCLA as a physics major, but there was nobody to pay for my family, so I had to work instead, perhaps the only real regret of my working career, but even that turned out OK, as I now have a truly great family to keep me company in my old age! And as you don't live in California, you have no grip about that at all as a taxpayer from West Virginia , at least I would think if you see my point there!
So Dragon04 and certain others here, I am sorry if I sound elitist and snobbish at times, perhaps to some degree at least I am. But that IS only an evil if you have nothing worthwhile to be elitist and snobbish about! I had an instructor out at UCLA Extension in Differential Equations that was one of the most elitist and snobbish people I have ever met. But he was also one of the most sought after instructors at that great university has ever had (at least by the pol put out by the student union groups)! He was one of those very rare people that actually was as good at his job as most people only think they are, hence the elitist approach! He not only knew the mathematics by heart, and also knew how to teach such a complex subject, he also even knew the incredible history of the mathematicians behind that math! His lecture on Carl Friedrich Gauss was a thing of beauty!!
I only wish my posts could be as good!!