I'm going to start this quick, i'd like only solution-oriented postings. No trolling, no flaming (self included) and the questions are thus: <br /><br />What Station hardware is completed and still on the ground? Columbus, Kibo, Cupola. What else?<br /><br />What routes besides Shuttle can get these components to ISS? What is available now, what needs development? <br /><br /><br />Columbus mass:10 300 kg, Launch mass 12 800 kg (2500 kg payload) - Can it be emptied of non-essential racks, then have them installed on-orbit? Kibo is heavier at 15.9 tonnes, which launchers could theoretically handle them? Proton comes to mind (with small FGB like old Kvant2?), DeltaIV, Atlas or ArianeV? DeltaIV can do 24 tons to LEO, for example. For Kibo, that is nearly ten tons of "extra mass" to figure out how to accomodate the payload and get it tugged to ISS. <br /><br />I propose that if Parom is developed, it's first payload should be the Cupola.<br /><br />solutions?<br /><br />josh <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div align="center"><em>We need a first generation of pioneers.</em><br /></div> </div>