"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Well since we are on the subject.Quantum electrodynamics holds the view that all-pervading vacuum continuously spawns particles and waves that spontaneously pop into and out of existence on an unimaginably short time scale. This flux of particles is frequently referred to as ‘quantum foam’ which is believed to extend throughout the universe.
Theorists are now being led to consider the possibility that our universe is, indeed, just one bubble among many in some greater meta-universe.’ Michio Kaku writes... These universes might be compared to a vast collection of soap bubbles suspended in air.”
The fun of Quantum Physics.![]()
Truthseker 007
Thank you for that. It is a subject on which I have been clearly missing out on the fun, and on which I will take steps to rectify. Any chance of a twenty word summary on where dark matter and dark energy fit into this?
Oh, just a moment. My career was very much centred on surfactants (inc emulsifiers) which provide the surface tension necessary in such situations. Any idea where our cosmic surface tension might come from? Oh, err, dark matter and dark energy?