Serenity movie

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Well I just saw a sneak preview that I was lucky enough to get into of the new Firefly movie Serenity tonight here in Ventura. The special effects weren't completed and some of the sound effects weren't ready. But not being big into the tv show they did a great frickin' job on it. It was entertaining, all the actors were back and the effects that were completed look pretty dang good. It was a believable story that had all the elements of good sci-fi....good plot, decent amount of action, good acting and a fair deal of humor thrown in. By the time its released I think the cleaned up version should appeal to a good deal out there. I for one give the movie five stars (being the best on spacechump's five star scale).<br /><br />On another note....don't go see Assault on precinct 13....not good.


Jelous Jelous Jelous, tell more plz...... .... . . . . <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


Not sure if I should give away more...hell it already spoiled me for the release! The movie revolves around the firefly crew transporting a psychic and her brother around. The psychic played by Summer Glau knows a terrible she's badass! <br /><br />It's almost like a prequel to the tv series.


I saw that. It looks like they've cleaned the effects up quite a bit!


Here's what the Internet Movie Database has to say about it:<br /><br />Serenity (2005)<br /><br /><i>Takes place six months after the episode "Objects in Space" of "Firefly" (2002/I).<br /><br />According to an interview with Alan Tudyk, this is the first movie in a three-picture Firefly contract with Universal.</i><br /><br />The Unofficial Firefly Movie Site has some recent information and links to the DW EXCLUSIVE: Joss Whedon interview, part one, in which the series creator talks about the movie.<br /><br />In theaters September 30th - can't wait! <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" /><br /><br />Another Serenity trailer


FYI, Sci-Fi channel has the rights to show the original series again. It will be starting this summer, to lead up to the BDM. Really looking forward to seeing it. My kids told me they weren't interested in seeing StarWars III, just to keep the ticket money so they can go see Serenity 2x. Can't wait until Sept!<br /><br />Rae


I'm more excited about Serenity... I can't wait to see it..


Well, I practically wet myself when I saw the trailer. <br /><br />I hope it gets distributed well over here. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


I cannot wait for this movie to come out, with any luck it will be a hit and they will bring back the tv show. (I won't hol my breath though)


I liked it a lot during screening...and they weren't even finished with it yet! The trailer keeps looking better and better. I can't wait!


Sneak preview has been seen over here, too, and...<br /><br />It is excellent!<br /><br />S*P*O*I*L*E*R.......A*L*E*R*T* ! ! !<br /><br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br />.<br /><br />These spoilers aren't actually too bad, but a warning is still the only fair thing to do:<br /><br />As most fans know by now, the movie's plot revolves around the ship's most mysterious character: River. The Firefly movie is also much scarier and more violent as a movie than it ever was as a television series. Why? Because we get a personal face-to-face introduction to the much-feared Reavers. And learn exactly why we should be afraid. Also, we learn their origin.<br /><br />And, yes, there is an amusing love-scene. Between which two characters? Sorry, not telling.<br />; )<br /><br />Go see the movie in September! It will blow away any other science fiction you see this year!


I think it looks great, I only hope it gets a decent release this side of the pond.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


Flynn,<br /><br />You asked for someone to tell some more, so I told a little more!<br /><br />The jealousy is mutual, by the way. We over here wish we could have a look at the new Doctor Who, which is unanimously reviewed as great. Any idea when the new stuff might make its way over to the shores of the New World?<br /><br />Sorry to veer off the thread's subject a little bit, but any Doctor Who-arrives-in-US information would make such a detour worthwhile.


Rae,<br /><br />Generally speaking, I am the slowest respondent on these boards. But I usually get around to it eventually.<br /><br />Star Wars III is being hailed as the best installment in the new trilogy. I saw it and I will admit I was over-tired when I did, but it failed to impress a life-long fan of the original trilogy. I was there on opening day when Episode IV hit the theaters.<br /><br />Your kids are wise beyond their years. One of my daughters did see the new Star Wars, but the other won't. Both, however, are looking forward with great anticipation to the Firefly movie. We have the DVD collection of the series and watch portions of it every so often.<br /><br />Hang onto that ticket money - September 30th is going to be an awesome movie-going day!


Fair question.<br /><br />As far as I'm aware, Whedon has not addressed your question. So this is just a guess.<br /><br />Did you ever catch Whedon's 'Buffy' series? Charisma Carpenter and Julie Benz both auditioned for the lead role, but instead settled for playing other characters in the series. Both were much more womanly than Sarah Michelle Gellar. What was Joss Whedon thinking?<br /><br />Don't know, but here's a notion I can't shake. Whedon favors the underdog. He agrees with Yoda: '<i>Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not.</i>' Also, while we're quoting Yoda, just a little farther on: '<i>Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.</i>' I suspect that's where Whedon is coming from; that is, he places a higher value upon what's inside than what's outside. Don't judge a book by its cover.<br /><br />River is not only skinny and undersized. She's also somewhat deranged, and does not appear to be capable of functioning on her own. She only survives by having a brilliant doctor for a close blood relative - her brother - who fortunately strives with all his might to get her to where she can operate like the rest of us.<br /><br />The last person you'd expect to be a badass. <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" />


Serentiy is a Firefly class vessel. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


I think FOX made a huge mistake cancelling this show. I loved this show, it was one of the few SCIFI shows my wife who hates the genre actually looked forward to watching! <br /><br />On that note, Whedon also knows that male ggeks will watch scii but by giving them someone they can relate to he gets young women into scifi.<br /><br />Fox also cancelled "Space: Above and Beyond" which was just getting good at the time the ax fell


The scifi channel lives to pick up canceled scifi shows <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" /><br />they gave andromeda a breath of life. for one more season anyway. I miss andromeda ...


Fox also killed Futurama.<br /><br />I hate Fox. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


My feelings exactly!<br /><br />There are many reasons to hate Fox, but you sure as hell picked a good one.


SCIFI.COM | Firefly is featured right now on the SciFi Channel's front page.<br /><br />The first half of the pilot aired last Friday. For those of you who were doing something else on the 22nd, you are in luck! "Serenity," Part 1 will be shown again this coming Friday at 6 pm. (That's EST, I believe.) It will be immediately followed by "Serenity," Part 2 at 7 pm. (Do not use either link if you do not wish to read the plot summaries featured there.)<br /><br />Introductory portion of the write-up on the first half of the pilot:<br /><br /><i>Mal Reynolds, a veteran of the War of Independence, is captaining a Firefly-class boat, the Serenity. He and his crew — Zoë, one of his fellow "browncoats"; Jayne, a mercenary; Wash, an ace pilot and Zoë's husband; and Kaylee, a crack mechanic — are salvaging a dead ship when an Alliance vessel detects them...</i><br /><br />The series is back, at least for a little while. Those out there who missed it the first time around now have a second chance. A better chance, really, as the first time around Fox did not air all the episodes, and aired them out of sequence, showing the pilot <i>last</i>.<br /><br />So this is your chance to see the series as it was <i>meant</i> to be seen! Go give it a look - if you like what you see, you'll have the chance to see more when the movie opens on September 30th. <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" />


<i>I cannot wait for this movie to come out, with any luck it will be a hit and they will bring back the tv show. (I won't hol my breath though)</i><br /><br />No, holding of breath at this point would not be recommended. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" /><br /><br />If the movie does well, however, at least we stand a good chance of seeing more of the Firefly characters and their 'verse. Whedon has been reluctant to address the possibility of other movies down the line, but last November he let his guard down a little:<br /><br />Coming Soon! - A Visit to the Serenity Set by Andrew Weil<br /><br /><i>"I think of this as an absolute one-shot. Could it sustain more stories? Well I obviously designed their world and these characters and this ensemble to sustain seven years for us. So yeah, there could be more. We'd love to do more. We have to make this one good enough to deserve that."</i><br /><br />(Okay, I'm the only one posting to this thread, so I guess I'll shut up for awhile...)
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