Shuttle re-entry

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"What about when you land downwind, or make some steep turns at low altitude? '"<br /><br />- I remember my first downwind landing. It was my 29th jump, my 1st jump out of a Twin Otter and 1st jump at Eloy. It was also a sunset load, and over Arizona with a storm that had just passed by the mountains, the desert floor, everything was so red, and big....christ I felt like I was flying over Mars! One of the most breathtaking scenes I've ever experienced in my life. Totally forgot about paying attention to the windsock when I came into the landing area. <br /><br />Man did I ever have to PLF!


I just rolled and rolled! Came through just fine. <br /><br />BUT - A week later I REALLY hurt my shoulder on a cross-wind landing and took 3 days off from jumping. This was a fantastic opportunity to check out the Pima Air & Space museum in Tuscon. So much hardware that I knew so well - but had never seen in person - the X-15 Mockup. JFK's Air Force 1. B-52s(!), an Apollo command module, and of course - an SR-71. It was amazing. <br /><br />Also visited (for the first time) a Challenger Learning center. This was on January 15th 2003...<br /><br />


The classic static line approach has, to my understanding, mostly given way to 3 other kinds of first jump:<br /><br />Tandem (strapped to an instructor)<br />IAD (Instructor Assisted deployment - very similar to static line)<br />AFF (Accelerated FreeFall - you jump with two instructors who fall with you and pull your pilot chute for you)<br /><br />


No thanks, i think i'll pull my own chute <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" />


"I'm not sure if I want to get licensed, I see this a thrill ride. "<br /><br />I'd do Tandem the - assuming you would like to experience Freefall. If you want to be out there by yourself - IAD is probably the way to go, but you only get a moment of freefall.


actually, what I'd really want is something akin to a crash course in flying the parachute (pardon the pun). you never know when that might come in handy <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <br />If you pull the ripcord earlier, you have more time in the air, and I think the SL course includes some ground training as well which you don't get if you're just going for the tandem.<br />But, unless I get hooked, this is going to be a one-time experience. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p></p><p> </p><p> </p> </div>


IAD is definietly the way to go - it's what has replaced Static Line (it basically is Static line for all intents and purposes). <br /><br />You hang off the wing, your instructors yells GO! or F%** OFF or something like that and you let go. A moment later you are by yourself - up in the air, and changed forever. They talk you down on radio. <br /><br />Ready<br />...Ready<br />......Flare!


Yes - in fact a beautiful woman I know was kicked off the wing on her first jump!<br /><br />Now I'm off to google 'skydive'! <br /><br />Update: Nice!


Went skydiving, oh, must have been over 10 years ago. Just a typical static line jump. I was the last one out and I swear the pilot was throwing the plane around harder on that last circle.l Great way to completely blank my mind for the 5 seconds while the 'chute opened. Always wanted to go again, but never did. At least I got the best pic of that trip!<br /><br />Standard first time jumper conversation:<br />Newbie Jumper: "Beats me why anyone would want to throw themselves out of a perfectly good airplane..."<br />Pilot: "What makes you think it's perfectly good?" *opens throttle*<br />Sure was quiet as the plane took off...<br /><br />Ah, some nice pics. I already had the nude skydiving group pic. I saw another pic there of skydivers exiting a falling car... I wanna see that car after impact!
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