Space & Religion

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<div class="Section1"><span style="font-size:11pt">I believe in God, but I also claime that there is no God-human or something like that or it ever existed. I claime that Vatican actually their representatives can not give forgiveness in the name of God to anyone who ever did something wrong. It is logical to think that these kind of people could feel free to do all kinds of awful things and then just just go to church and confess to some sinnfull priest, so it&rsquo;s like an blessing, &ldquo;just go around and do what you like&rdquo;. <br />Some people also think that God is an old man with a bierd. ..I don&rsquo;t! <br />Vatican did some terrible crimes in the name of Jesus Christ and holy cross, and that is well known in a history of man kind, just like communists who chased and burned alive people who believed in truth and honesty. That&rsquo;s their mutual charakteristic. <br />Vatican prosecuted science and scientists and named them sotonists, that&rsquo;s also well known. <br />In a year 1927. Georges Lemaitre Jesuit from Vatican launched a stupid theory about Big Bang, then 1929. Mr. Edwin Hubble worked out that theory actually was corrupted by Vatican and hid it in a cellophane of false science. <br />Biography of Edwin Hubble says: &ldquo;beautiful like Adonis, but patological lyer </span><span style="font-size:4pt;font-family:Helvetica,sans-serif">&ldquo;&mdash; </span><span style="font-size:11pt">those were obvious atributes which Vatican approved. <br />I&rsquo;m watching and listening all around the world; there are all kinds of knowledge contests, but they have nothing to do with knowledge or science. It&rsquo;s pure memory, while science is something else, unreachable to those idiots. These journalists who we watch on TV every day are real example of bad manors, they constantly go into each others mouth. <br />I will put out only two examples of them many more, where it&rsquo;s obvious how well do they do their job. <br />Example </span><span style="font-size:4pt;font-family:Helvetica,sans-serif">&mdash; </span><span style="font-size:11pt">there is an leopard on TV for half an hour and they are talking about cheetah, or showing cheetah and describing hyena. Lausy work and without any apologies, that&rsquo;s their profession. <br />NASA claimes that the Universe is thirteen milliard eight hundred light years old, while I claime that the Universe is one thing and galaxies actually substance something else; Universe is negativ and substance positiv and we can measure time only in material world so in galaxies and from one galaxy to another, while the Universe is absolut zero. </span><span></span><span>&nbsp;</span></div>
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