Stationary model of the solar system

Dec 13, 2023
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Stationary model of the solar system.
Community of Russian scientists.

1. The solar system is an autonomous object of the Universe, does not rotate around the center of the galaxy and is in a stationary state in space.
2. Sunlight approaching the edge of the Solar System, under the influence of the Coriolis force of the Sun, is deflected and begins to move along the perimeter of the Solar System, against the rotation of the Sun.
3. The sunlight then slows down, breaks up into particles and collapses into a star, causing the kinetic energy of the light to be transformed into the rotational energy of the stars.
4. At the edge of the solar system, the mass of stars, the force of gravity, the speed of light, and the orbital speed of stars are close to zero.
The farther a star is from the Sun, the lower the orbital speed of the stars.
5. The star, being in a state of weightlessness, floats along the edge of the Solar system in the form of balls, globular clusters and galaxies in the direction of the rotation of the Sun, relying on the laws of celestial mechanics and temperature differences - the Yarkovsky effect.
6. Approaching the Sun, the stars compress and become denser, due to which the temperature and brightness of the stars increases and globular clusters, galaxies and asteroids are formed.
Most of the mass of the Solar System comes from the Sun and the ecliptic plane, due to which asteroids orbiting the Sun slowly approach both the Sun and the ecliptic plane, resulting in the formation of the Kuiper Belt.
Then planets emerge from the Kuiper belt, surrounded by a system of rings from which satellites are formed.

7. Further, as they approach the Sun, the temperature, axial and orbital speed of the planets and satellites increase, due to which the satellites are thrown out of orbit and the planets are overturned.

When the planet comes close to the Sun, the geological activity of the planets increases, resulting in an explosion of the combustible mixture in the fractures of the planets, and as a result the planet is destroyed into fragments, similar to Comet Shoemaker - Levy 9.
Then fragments of the planets, rotating around the Sun at a speed of tens of km/sec, crash into the surface of the Sun, due to which the axial speed of the Sun increases. The self-ignition temperature of gases is about 500 degrees.
8. The radius of the Solar System depends on the speed of light and the angular speed of rotation of the Sun. R ≈ c/ω
The speed of light is ≈ 1,000,000,000 km/h.
The angular speed of rotation of the Sun is ≈ 0.0105 rad/h.
The radius of the Solar System is ≈ 95,000,000,000 km.
9. The Earth and Moon pair, in an elliptical orbit, rotate around a common center of mass and move in the direction of rotation of the Sun.
A photon consists of two particles rotating around the center of mass, which move in space against the rotation of the Sun, thanks to the deflecting Coriolis force of the Sun.
The photon and the Sun are interconnected by gravity, just like the Sun, Earth and Moon. (Three body problem).
The more the gravity of the Sun affects the particles of the photon, the more the orbit of the particles is extended and the greater the speed of the Photon.
At the edge of the Solar System, as the Sun's gravity decreases, the ellipse of particles also decreases, due to which the Photon slows down and breaks up into two particles.
Next, a particle of light moves from the edge of the solar system to the Sun for billions of years, possessing enormous potential energy, which can be calculated using the following formula.
U = (Ms+mch)•r
Ms - Mass of the Sun. mch - Particle mass.
r - Distance from the Sun to the particle.
Without the gravitational influence of the Sun, the Earth-Moon Pair and Photon disintegrate.
Based on the mechanics of interaction of three bodies, it is possible to construct a supportless propulsion device.
And its transformations.

10. Proper motion of stars.
Galaxies, atmospheric cyclones and anticyclones rotate around their own axis and in orbit, and everything that rotates has the property of a gyroscope to maintain the vertical position of the axis in space regardless of the rotation of the Earth, due to which blocking, overturning and drift of galaxies occurs.
The direction of galaxy drift depends on the inclination of the axis and orbit of the galaxies relative to the ecliptic plane.
Due to the gyroscope properties that galaxies have, galaxies drift around the entire perimeter of the Solar System rather than aligning themselves in the ecliptic plane.

Perhaps Barnard's flying star revolves around the Sun in a highly elongated orbit and is at perihelion.
The speed of Comet Halley at perihelion is 54 km/s, and at aphelion 1 km/s.'s_Star
11. Outside the solar system, sunlight does not penetrate and it will be impossible to see the solar system from the side of the universe.
12. It is believed that the farthest stars are located at a distance of about
10 billion light years from us.
a) How does sunlight travel such a huge distance and how much distance can sunlight travel?
13. So little sunlight comes to Pluto that our star can be confused with a large star. Sunlight on Pluto is thought to be 1,600 times dimmer than on Earth.
14. Perhaps the star reflects both its own light and the Sun?s light.
a) What has been said can be easily verified by performing a simple experiment.
15. Our Sun loses more than 1 billion tons of matter per year due to the emission of light.
I assume the same amount of matter falls onto the Sun from space.
16. All mechanical processes that occur in the atmosphere also occur in the starry sky.
17. In the solar system, everything is programmed and everything moves according to the strict laws of celestial mechanics, due to which randomness and chaos are not possible in the solar system.
18. The theory of the evolution of the Universe should not contradict and go beyond the laws of celestial mechanics.

The assertion that the solar system revolves around the center of the Galaxy does not stand up to criticism.
If the Solar System revolved around the center of the Galaxy, then the Earth, rotating around the Sun, would approach and move away from the center of the Galaxy, as a result of which the Earth’s orbit, thanks to the Coriolis force of the Sun, would be elongated along the orbit of the Sun. Similar to the lunar orbit.
But the orbits of the planets are not elongated along the “orbit of the Sun”, this means that the Sun does not rotate around the center of the galaxy but is stationary in space.
Objects in the Solar System cannot endlessly rotate around numerous centers.
The laws of celestial mechanics are not omnipotent and are limited to the three-body problem; the Earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth, and nothing revolves around the Moon.
No natural satellite of the planets has a permanent or temporary companion, as this would already be a four-body problem, which is contrary to the laws of being.
For this reason, the artificial satellites of the Earth rotate by inertia much longer than the artificial satellites of the Moon.
And the most important question is why asteroids have satellites, but planetary satellites do not have satellites, despite the fact that planetary satellites are much more massive than asteroids.
Saturn's two moons, Janus and Epimetheus, move in the same orbit and pass each other every four years. If these two satellites orbited the Sun, then Janus would have captured Epimetheus.
In nature there is no relationship without symbiosis, and the solar system does not need the center of the galaxy.
Comet Galya orbits the Sun every 75 years, in a highly elongated orbit, due to the fact that the Sun does not revolve around the center of the Galaxy.

The Big Bang theory was born from the observation that other galaxies are moving away from ours at great speed in all directions, and based on this hypothesis the Big Bang hypothesis was written.
1. Thanks to what forces the Universe assembles and explodes. Without an answer to this question, the Big Bang hypothesis has no right to exist.
2. After the Big Bang, the Galaxies, having received fantastic kinetic energy, must move in a straight line and forever.
a) Rectilinear motion contradicts the laws of celestial mechanics.
3. The center of the Solar system is the Sun, and the role of the Sun for the Solar system is vital, but what role does the center of the Universe play for the Universe, what is there and what happens?
4. What was the state of the laws of celestial mechanics before the explosion, at the moment of the explosion, and after the explosion, how and when did they arise?
5. Moving away from the center of the Universe, the galaxies began to rotate around their own center, what force rotates the galaxies and where did this force come from?
6. The statement that globular star clusters are satellites of Galaxies and rotate in highly elongated orbits at a speed of ≈ 200 km/sec also goes beyond the scope of celestial mechanics.
a) If globular clusters rotated around the center of the Galaxy, then they would rotate in the same plane.
b) Will Saturn and its moons be able to orbit the Sun as a globular cluster?
7. In globular clusters there is no orbital rotation of stars.
a) Then what forces form a globular cluster of stars?
8. If globular clusters are satellites of Galaxies, then globular clusters, like all satellites of planets, must have all the attributes of satellites: rotation axis, libration, etc.
9. After expansion, the Universe contracts back and Galaxies rush towards the center of the Universe with enormous speed.
10. For what reason the galaxies stopped scattering and began to gather.
11. What force attracts galaxies to the center of the Universe, if it is a gravitational force, then how does it arise?
12. How much energy is released when a galaxy collides with the center of the Universe.
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Sep 17, 2023
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Just the facts please. Relative rotation rate of CB v SOL is +0.86 Degrees per Million Annum Years. The Proof is out there,
Facebook: Geology, Astronomy, Technology, and Physics
-Our Milky Way as recorded by SOL's Galactic Orbit embedded in our rock stratum. Following Georgelin and Georgelin HII mapping of the Milky Way Arms; modeled by a Geologic Galactic 419±2Ma cipher.
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Dec 13, 2023
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Hi all!

Stationary model of the solar system.

The solar system is an autonomous object of the Universe, does not rotate around the center of the galaxy, but is in a stationary state in space.
2. In the infinite Universe there is a solar system, in the center of which the Sun rotates, emitting light.
As sunlight moves toward the edge of the solar system, the kinetic energy of light is converted into potential energy, causing the speed of light to decrease.
Approaching the edge of the Solar System, under the influence of the Coriolis force, sunlight is deflected and begins to move along the perimeter of the Solar System, against the rotation of the Sun.
3. Next, the light, moving along the edge of the Solar system, collapses into a star, due to which the kinetic energy of light is transformed into the rotational energy of stars.État_plasma
At the edge of the Solar System, the mass of stars, the force of gravity, the speed of light, as well as the axial and orbital speed of stars are close to zero.
4. The star, being in a state of "weightlessness", floats along the edge of the Solar system in the form of plasma, nebulae and galaxies in the direction of the rotation of the Sun, relying on the laws of celestial mechanics and temperature differences - the Yarkovsky effect.
An asteroid is born as a result of the explosion of a star that has reached critical mass, and is accompanied by the release of gas and dust.
Next, a nebula is formed from gas and dust, and then a galaxy, similar to cyclones and anticyclones.
The size, shape, axial tilt, and rotation rate of a galaxy depend on the axial velocity of the star before the explosion.
Galaxy without stars.
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An asteroid is born as a result of the explosion of a star that has reached critical mass, and is accompanied by the release of gas and dust.
Next, a nebula is formed from gas and dust, and then a galaxy, similar to cyclones and anticyclones.
The size, shape, axial tilt, and rotation rate of a galaxy depend on the axial velocity of the star before the explosion.
Galaxy without stars.
And this statement is for what purpose?
Dec 13, 2023
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The Big Bang theory was born from the assumption that other galaxies are moving away from ours at great speed, and based on this hypothesis the Big Bang hypothesis was written.
1. Due to what forces does the Universe expand and contract?
Without answers to these questions, the Big Bang hypothesis has no right to exist.
a) At the same time, the expansion of the Universe is hampered by mass and gravity.
b) The compression of the Universe is prevented by rotation and centrifugal force.
2. Is the Solar System expanding along with the Universe?
a) Does the diameter and thickness of the Solar System change?
b) Are the diameters of planets and the distance between planets increasing?
c) Where is dark matter located in the Solar System?
d) If there is a dark energy equation, in what units is dark energy measured?
3. The statement that the galaxy is a gravitationally bound system of stars is questionable. I believe the galaxy is a nebula with single stars behind it.
a) It can just as well be argued that cyclones and anticyclones consist of stars if you look at the star through the cyclones and anticyclones.
Astronomers have shown how black holes escape their galaxies.
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Dec 13, 2023
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Stationary model of the solar system.
Community of Russian scientists.

1. The solar system is an autonomous object of the Universe, does not rotate around the center of the galaxy, but is in a stationary state in space.
2. In the infinite Universe there is a solar system, in the center of which the Sun rotates, emitting light.
As sunlight moves toward the edge of the solar system, the kinetic energy of light is converted into potential energy, causing the speed of light to decrease.
Approaching the edge of the Solar Approaching the edge of the Solar System, under the influence of the Coriolis force, sunlight is deflected and begins to move along the perimeter of the Solar System, against the rotation of the Sun.
3. Then the light, moving along the edge of the Solar system, collapses into a star, due to which the kinetic energy of light is transformed into the rotational energy of stars.État_plasma
At the edge of the solar system, the gravitational force and orbital speed of stars are close to zero.
4. The star, being in a state of "weightlessness", floats along the edge of the Solar system in the form of plasma, in the direction of the rotation of the Sun, relying on the laws of celestial mechanics and temperature differences - the Yarkovsky effect.
5. Rotating around the Sun, the star slowly approaches the Sun, due to which the axial and orbital speed of the star increases, as a result of which the star contracts and becomes denser, and as a result, the temperature and brightness of the star increases, in the center of which an asteroid is formed while rotating.
6. When the axial and orbital speed of the star reaches a critical point, the star, having the properties of a gyroscope, capsizes, due to which the star breaks apart and leaves the asteroid.
a) The slower the asteroid rotates in the star, the faster the asteroid and star leave each other during the rollover.
7. Having left the asteroid, the star turns into a galaxy and consists of gas and dust, which, rotating around its axis and orbit, dispersing gas and dust, merges with the nebula.
The appearance of stars and galaxies depends on the axial and orbital speed, the inclination of the axis and orbit, age, as well as on the physical, chemical and other processes that occur in galaxies and stars.
8. Most of the mass of the Solar System falls on the Sun and the ecliptic plane, due to which asteroids and meteorids rotating around the Sun slowly approach both the Sun and the ecliptic plane, and as a result, the Kuiper belt is formed.
Then planets emerge from the Kuiper belt, surrounded by a system of rings from which satellites are formed.

9. Further, as they approach the Sun, the temperature, axial and orbital speed of the planets and satellites increase, due to which the satellites are thrown out of orbit and the planets are overturned.
When a planet comes close to the Sun, the geological activity of the planets increases, for this reason an explosion of the flammable mixture occurs in the fractures of the planets, and as a result the planet is destroyed into fragments, which, rotating around the Sun at a speed of about 100 km/sec, overturn and are torn apart, similarly Shoemaker's Comet - Levy.
Then, while rotating around the Sun, fragments of planets and satellites crash into the surface of the Sun, thereby increasing the axial speed of the Sun.–Levy_9
Fragments of planets are easily torn apart during capsizing, because fragments of planets do not have a magnetic field and are not ice blocks.
10. The radius of the Solar system depends on the speed of light, the radius of the Sun, and the axial velocity of the Sun. R ≈ c*r/ω.
The speed of light is ≈ 1,000,000,000 km/hour.
The radius of the Sun is ≈ 700,000 km.
The linear rotation speed of the Sun is ≈ 7000 km/h.
The radius of the Solar system is ≈ 1,000,000,000,000 km.
Due to the Coriolis force of the Sun, the Solar system is not scattered in space, but has the shape of a sphere.
11. Sunlight, rotating along the edge of the solar system, collapses into a star, due to which the kinetic energy of light is transformed into the rotational energy of stars, according to the following scheme.
a) When a photon moves against the rotation of the Sun, the centrifugal force of the photon decreases, due to which the photon begins to move towards the Sun.
b) When a photon moves towards the Sun, the Coriolis force deflects the photon in the direction of the Sun's rotation.
c) When a photon moves towards the rotation of the Sun, the centrifugal force of the photon increases, causing the photon to move away from the Sun.
d) The higher the axial and orbital speed of a star, the stronger the Sun's gravity, centrifugal force and Coriolis force compress and compact the star.
e) What has been said can be easily verified by performing a simple experiment.
d) Rotating around its axis and orbit, the star heats up and emits light due to the high speed of light particles that move in the stars.

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