What I am wondering is this... It seems like the much touted "Space Shuttle" is made of silly putty, in a manner of speaking. I mean, come on! Tiles, Foam, Fabric! I mean, we are not talking about the Wright Flyer, we are talking year 2005, 21st century. Isn't there a better way to make a shuttle than by lining the bottom with what are essentially, bricks!? It seems so primitive. And, yes, space flight is inherently dangerous, but 2 out of 5 shuttles destroyed? 2% failure rate may not seem like much, but would you fly if you knew that 2 out of every 100 flights would end in disaster. Would you drive to work under such conditions? Nasa needs to get it's head out of it's A&^%( and let private Enterprise lead the way. Take a look at the robotic Mars Missions, all told, including USSR (Russia, sorry!) and the USA, about 50% of the Mars missions have been lost along the way, crashed, or exploded on liftoff. I'm a big space exploration fan, but we really need to learn how to succeed more often. An entirely new shuttle needs to be built, even if it means we don't go into space for the next 10 years.