I'm with Radar on this.<br /><br /> /> How many projects have been cancelled because of the continued increased costs of these two systems? <br /><br />a very long list, includes X-38/CRV, several Earth-sensing projects, current stretch-out of Mars projects, the actual science the station was supposed to perfom have all been delayed or cancelled to make funds available for ISS. <br /><br /> />The goal should not be to simply abandon the shuttle-ISS but an orderly and accelerated drawdawn of <br /> />resources devoted to it. And by all accounts, when the "60-day reports" are finally unveiled, that is what we will probably see.<br /><br />Yes! We (the usa) can fulfill our obligations via creative thinking while moving faster toward the Moon and Mars. NASA can't succeed at the VSE without the status-quo changing. I think that Shuttle-derived HLVs are a great opportunity to put the remaining ISS components up while retiring the Shuttle Orbiter stack. An added benefit is that Node, Kibo and Columbus could theoretically be integrated together on the ground, then the station arm would only make one docking. Finishing station will be either a creative exercise or failure. It can be done quickly, cheaper than current plan and successfully. I'm holding my breath for the 60 Day Report, too. Dr. Griffin has been doing great so far.<br /><br />Josh<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div align="center"><em>We need a first generation of pioneers.</em><br /></div> </div>