SUB-ATOMIC PARTICLES -and their effects

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Basically what I wanted to do is see if we could work together to understand some of the strange effects and properties of sub-atomic particles.<br /><br />Please limit this only to the nuetron proton and electron. So if you don't understand something or there is something strange that doesn't make maybe we can figure it out if we combine our group "brain power"- yes i'm serious-So post whatever questions you want we'll start with whatever is posted first. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> <font color="yellow"><br /></font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>


Whats to figure out? Basic physics texts seem to have it covered (see Ohanian), wikipedia is normaly OK as well.


<p>What's to figure out!!!!<br />1. how about how an electron can be in two places at once!!!<br />2. How about how a nuetrino can pass threw the entire galawy with being effected by anything!!<br />3. how about how an electron can move at light speed yet has no mass!!!<br />4. How about how a nuetron star produces MAGNETIC POLES yet has no CHARGE!!!!<br />5. How come a photon reacts with things when a nuetrino doesn't, even though a photon is well kinda smaller than it- When I say smaller I'm saying that a nuetrino has little mass but still compared to nothing The photon should be less affected by objects and be able to pass right threw as well!!!<br />5. What exactly causes a negative and positive charge<br />6. Static energy seem far more powerful to me than gravity that's why a baloon trapped on a wall is able to defy gravity. shouldn't a planet of immense static energy exist sme were?<br />7.Why does a nuetron eventually break apart?<br />8. an electron is smaller than a proton does that mean (-) energy is more effective positive energy?<br />9. Is there a reason why the electron has never been on the inside of the atom?<br />10. I don't see how it will supposedly take all the energy in the universe to go light speed if matter is already going light speed!<br />11. I know colors are dependent on the wavelength of light , but how do different atoms have different frequency?<br />12. How come the acceleration disk of a black holoe is in the shape of a ring and not a sphere eventhough it has no poles? <br />13.Or how do we even know it's possible for a singularity to exist yet there are different size black holes....Hmmmm I guess one singularity insn't as big as the OTHer , EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE BOTH INFINITELY SMALL!!!!!!!<br /><br />THere's a lot we don't know and little of it is covered in any test book. If you believe all the answers are found sir than there is no hope for you, when we barely understand the world around us.<br /><br />That is "Whats to figure out?"</p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>


If someone would like to post an anomily they came across I would be happy to discuss it <font color="yellow"><br /></font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>


<font color="yellow">What's to figure out!!!!<br />1. how about how an electron can be in two places at once!!!<br /><br /><font color="white">Because it's a wave and a particle, you need to do the maths, that makes more sense than english, sorry.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">2. How about how a nuetrino can pass threw the entire galawy with being effected by anything!!<br /><br /><font color="white">Because is has a very small reaction cross section.<br /><br /><br /><font color="yellow">3. how about how an electron can move at light speed yet has no mass!!!<br /><br /><font color="white">Wrong, as an electrons speed increase it does gain relavitstic mass and as it has a rest mass it will never get to 100% the speed of light, just close to it.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">4. How about how a nuetron star produces MAGNETIC POLES yet has no CHARGE!!!!<br /><br /><font color="white">Same way a normal magnet has poles but can be uncharged.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">5. How come a photon reacts with things when a nuetrino doesn't, even though a photon is well kinda smaller than it- When I say smaller I'm saying that a nuetrino has little mass but still compared to nothing The photon should be less affected by objects and be able to pass right threw as well!!!<br /><br /><font color="white">See above<br /><br /><font color="yellow">5. What exactly causes a negative and positive charge<br /><br /><font color="white">Humm, thats tricky, dunno. I could say that they are properties of fundamental subatomic particles but I don't think thats what you're asking. For the moment we can describe their effectcs but 'why' is always a hard one in physics, 'how' questions are much easier to answer. <br /><br /><font color="yellow">6. Static energy seem far more powerful to me than gravity that's why a baloon trapped on a wall is able to defy gravity. shouldn't a planet of immense static energy exist sme were?<br /><br /><font color="white">It is, what do you think stops the Earth collapsing completely under gravity?<br /><br /><font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font>


13.Or how do we even know it's possible for a singularity to exist yet there are different size black holes....Hmmmm I guess one singularity insn't as big as the OTHer , EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE BOTH INFINITELY SMALL!!!!!!! <br /><br />We have no idea about the size of singularites. It's the size of a BHs gravtiy feild, ie the mass of the singularity that is important<br /><br />The Elegant Universe (p.239) gives some information on this question:<br />"This means that as the circular dimension tries to collapse through the Planck length (10 -33cm) and head toward even smaller size, it's attempts are made futile by string theory, which turns the tables on geometry. String theory shows that this evolution can be rephrased-exactly reinterpreted- as the circular dimension shrinking down to the Planck length and then proceeding to expand. String theory rewrites the laws of short distance geometry so that what appeared to be complete cosmic collapse is now seen to be a cosmic BOUNCE. The circular dimension can shrink to the Planck lengths. But because of the winding modes (of the strings) attempts to shrink further actually result in expansion. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font size="4"><strong></strong></font></p> </div>


Thanks a lot... I shouldn't get all worked up over my own ignorance, but many things have been poorly explain to me or I only got half the information because people thought it was to " complex". Thanks a lot for the information.<br />Do you have any ideas on how nuetrons might reform?<br />Could ou further explain a magnet I know much about them, but as to that particular figuration which causes magnetic fields I know little.What is a magnetic field?<font color="yellow"></font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>
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