Superluminal or Faster Than Light Travel *DELETED*

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Ok, not quite sure why I'm willing to spend my time to reply to this, but here goes.<br /><br />"In Special Relativity, the superluminic velocity is a barrier impossible to break. GR and SR have the same mathematical, physical, and philosophical limitation. According to SR's KE equation, a particle needs all the energy available in the Universe needed to reach the light speed."<br /><br />Correct, provided it has mass - mass-less particles will always travel at the speed of light.<br /><br />"In Autodynamics, one possibility for obtaining superluminic speed is by using photons. Photons travel at the speed of light (a conflict for SR). If photon interaction at light velocity (laser beams - or energy absorbed by photons) could be integrated into a new particle, that particle should decay into a new super-photon traveling at superluminic speed."<br /><br />Basic high school physics tells you that is wrong. Firstly, it's not a conflict for special relativity that photons travel at the speed of light - in fact, SR says that photons have to. Secondly, any new particle made through photon-photon interactions would still travel at the speed of light, it would merely have a greater mass/energy. There actually exist such particles - and trust me, they all travel at the speed of light. We've even seen it.<br /><br />"It is true that modern experiments have demonstrated the existence of certain types of measurable superluminal phenomena. However, none of these experiments are in conflict with causality or special relativity, since no information or physical object actually travels at speeds v /> c to produce the observed phenomena"<br /><br />And here you're trying to de-bunk this theory by yourself? What you said there is of course perfectly correct.<br /><br />Now I'm confused. What's your point?
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