The astonishing force:gravity's invisible tug on the universe

Oct 4, 2023
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Have you ever stopped to think about the invisible force that keeps you rooted to the Earth, yet also governs the dance of planets, stars, and galaxies across the cosmos? It's time to unravel the mind-boggling mystery of gravity and discover why it's not just a force – it's a cosmic architect.

Imagine standing on the edge of a cliff, peering into the abyss below. The ground beneath you feels solid, safe, and immovable. But in reality, you're held in place by an ethereal force, a force so weak that you can easily defy it by lifting your foot. Yet, it's this very force that holds together the entire universe.

Gravity, the cosmic puppeteer, is responsible for the mesmerizing dance of celestial bodies. But here's the truly astonishing part: it's not just about falling apples or keeping your feet on the ground; gravity warps the very fabric of space and time itself.

According to Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity, massive objects, like the Earth, create a dent in the fabric of spacetime. Picture a trampoline stretched tightly. When you place a heavy bowling ball on it, it creates a dimple. That's what Earth does to spacetime. Now, imagine rolling a smaller ball (let's call it the Moon) near the heavy bowling ball. It doesn't follow a straight path; it spirals toward the bowling ball's dimple. This is how gravity works, bending the paths of objects in space.

But it gets more mind-bending. If you were to travel to a place with incredibly strong gravity, like near a black hole, time itself would slow down. Yes, you heard that right. The closer you get to the black hole's intense gravitational pull, the slower time flows for you compared to someone far away. It's a phenomenon known as time dilation, and it's one of gravity's most mind-boggling tricks.

Now, picture two massive black holes spiraling toward each other, drawing closer due to their gravitational attraction. As they move, they create ripples in spacetime, like the waves on the surface of a pond when you toss a stone in. These ripples are called gravitational waves, and they travel across the cosmos at the speed of light, carrying with them information about the cataclysmic events that generated them.

In 2015 gravitational waves for the very first time, confirming Einstein's predictions and opening a new era of astronomy. These ripples in spacetime allow us to "hear" the universe in a way we never thought possible, unveiling secrets about colliding black holes, neutron stars, and the birth of the cosmos itself.

So, the next time you look up at the night sky or feel the ground beneath your feet, remember that gravity is not just a mundane force; it's the master of the cosmic ballet, a sculptor of spacetime, and a storyteller of the universe's most dramatic events. In its invisible embrace, the universe itself dances to the tunes of gravity's cosmic symphony.
I think that numbers and mathematics has an intuition also. And it can be mistaken and misleading just like other intuitions do.

I don't believe we have clue of the cause OR the dynamic, of gravity. And I do not think that mathematics will show us.

I think gravity is an indirect force. Not a fundamental force. An indirect EM force. And that it has another component of direction/orientation, that we are not aware of.

I believe we have described planetary orbits with the wrong dynamic. I believe them to be a closed one turn helix.....with that second unknown/mis-known acceleration. Two orbits in one. One acceleration inside the other acceleration. A superposition of acceleration.

I think the weak force of g comes from an asymmetric EM balance of the atomic dipole. But there are multiple EM asymmetries to pick from that structure.
It seems that just about everyone who thinks about gravity not only forgets to think about antigravity but blocks out all though of two reasonably [equal in masses] black holes, or two gravitational bodies reasonably [equal in masses] period, colliding in gravitational fields, particularly when they are opposed, especially exactly opposed, in direction of flow of vortices. Even an entire universe, and an infinity of horizon universes, colliding in opposed vortices of gravitational fields. The gravity of the trees would be to the trees, but the gravity of the overall set of forest of the trees would be exactly opposed to the gravity of each and every tree and all the trees. That is how the gravity of the universe, and the universes, works! You have the flow, the direction, wrong for the ongoing Big Crunch! Right for the ongoing Big Bang, wrong for the ongoing Big Crunch! That is a filament of a lot of filaments, a thread of a lot of threading, existing between things, up to galaxies, galactic clusters, on up to fractal zoom universes, or horizon universes, in general.
But we have never observed any anti-gravity. And we have looked for a very long time. Many would love to find some.....or make some. We can see back thru billions of years.....and we find none.

So we have even looked for a long time....thru a long time.....and still no anti-gravity.

That's looking squared.
Oct 6, 2023
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I believe time isn't so connected to space. The current theories suggest that time is dependant on space, it's most accurate to describe time as space requiring a measure of change, yet it's being said that time can change space which doesn't make much sense.
I believe that time and length are omnipresent, and are the fundamental pillars of physicality. Omnipresent time and length are the reason we see and measure the things we see and measure. Anytime anywhere. All the times....all the wheres.

All of our current modern theory is based on an incorrect narrative of light. If our eyes could actually see the true character of light, we would see that light is discreet and intermittent.....and the propagation has a duty cycle, not a frequency.

The red shifts we se are from a duty cycle shift, not a frequency shift.
The charge force can be repulsive and serve as an anti gravity beam. Maglev trains use it world wide. The charge force is 10^42 times stronger than the gravitational force. Any number of setups with repulsive coils can be used to levitate an object. In each case, sensors measure the distance and constantly adjust the field. Without such active control, levitation by magnetism is impossible.
The only exception is when a superconductor is set on top of a magnet. It wil sit there forever.
In designing a levitation system, be aware that gravitational forces cannot be shielded against. A magnetic field cannot be blocked, only diverted sideways. Electric fields can be blocked by covering with the opposite polarity.
We can oppose and nullify gravity, but it takes energy. We can't find a material or object that is in a anti-gravity state.

In the last couple of years there have been several interesting EM shielding materials manufactured. Apparently cheap common polymers can be applied in film form and block all EM fields ......well up into the high GHz region. This is a huge advancement in EM interference electronics and radio. And other studies.

And some have taken this material film a step further, and added a conductive component to it, allowing to vary the amount of suppression applied. Modulating that suppression with small current.

This film material can be added to paints and other structural coverings. And then calibrated with a small current. Over time, that current can not only plot where and if deformation has occurred.....but can continuously plot the stress on the structure. Thru the stress of the covering.

Pretty cool.

But this is what I want to try. Imaging putting a conductive film coat on a broadcast antenna. Feed antenna with a constant carrier. Now audio modulate the film. True AM, with no side-bands. No channel width. Just a single carrier that truly varies in amplitude.

That would be neat.
Oct 31, 2022
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its been theorized that dark energy opposes gravity.
But i think time dilation gradients are the key to both(gravity and dark energy)
i think they are really just two different applications of the same force of space/time curvature.
Jun 11, 2023
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It seems that just about everyone who thinks about gravity not only forgets to think about antigravity but blocks out all though of two reasonably [equal in masses] black holes, or two gravitational bodies reasonably [equal in masses] period, colliding in gravitational fields, particularly when they are opposed, especially exactly opposed, in direction of flow of vortices. Even an entire universe, and an infinity of horizon universes, colliding in opposed vortices of gravitational fields. The gravity of the trees would be to the trees, but the gravity of the overall set of forest of the trees would be exactly opposed to the gravity of each and every tree and all the trees. That is how the gravity of the universe, and the universes, works! You have the flow, the direction, wrong for the ongoing Big Crunch! Right for the ongoing Big Bang, wrong for the ongoing Big Crunch! That is a filament of a lot of filaments, a thread of a lot of threading, existing between things, up to galaxies, galactic clusters, on up to fractal zoom universes, or horizon universes, in general.
Atlan0001, you, lead with an interesting point here): It seems that just about everyone who thinks about gravity not only forgets to think about antigravity!!”

Well, Atlan0001, I, just, wanted to let you know that I argue that for every unit of gravity that a mass generates by heating matter up, a potential unit of antigravity is stored in the heated matter that can be released as the heated matter cools later as evidenced by low air pressure hurricanes near the Equator from matter heating up and high air pressure systems at the Earth’s Poles as matter cools!!

Talk More, Soon!! Have A Great Day!!
Jun 11, 2023
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Oct 7, 2023): Add bookmark #1): Rorisang Said):

Have you ever stopped to think about the invisible force that keeps you rooted to the Earth, yet also governs the dance of planets, stars, and galaxies across the cosmos? It's time to unravel the mind-boggling mystery of gravity and discover why it's not just a force – it's a cosmic architect.

Adoni Answers): Yes!! I have!! and Below are my gravity unraveling findings!!):

The Proofs About My Suggestion That Gravity Is The Direct Function Of Mass And The Rate At Which The Matter Particles Of The Mass Heat Up!!):
1): Take Our Own Sun As An Example Of Gravity Generation As Our Sun’s Matter Heats Up!!):
A): We Are Given That Our Sun Formed From The Collapse Of A Molecular Hydrogen-Helium Cloud At 10 Degrees Kelvin!!
B): We Are Given That For The Past 5 Billion Years That Our Sun Has Been Heating Up And Generating Gravity!!
C): We Are Given That Our Sun Will Heat Up By 6% Per Billion Years For The Next 5 Billion Years While Generating Gravity!!
D): In 5 Billion Years); We Are Given That Our Sun Will Start Cooling From 7777 Kelvin To 3000 Kelvin While Net Emitting The Stored Anti-Gravity/Dark Energy Stored Inside The Nucleon, Electron And Neutrino Indestructible Mass-Energy Vessel Permeable Hovering Sacs In The Form Of Compressed GP1 Aether Particles That Were Stored During The 10 Billion Years That Our Sun Heated Up And Generated Gravity Blowing Off Half Its Mass Leaving A White Dwarf Remnant About The Size Of Earth At 200,000 Times Earth Density!!
E): One Proof That As Matter Cools And Net Expels GP1 Aether Particles); Dark Energy Is Released Is The Red Giant Phase Of Our Sun’s Life Cycle And All Red Giant Stars!!

2): From Observations Of Bullet Clusters We Know That Gravity And Dark Matter Gravity Stays With The Star Matter And Dark Neutrino Matter Heating Up From The Radiant Energy Of Stars And Not With An Equal Amount Of Cooling Hot Gaseous Matter Left Behind As The Two Galactic Clusters Separate!!

Above 1 & 2): Coincidence Or Direct Proof That Gravity Is A Direct Function Of Mass And The Rate At Which The Matter Particles Of The Mass Heat Up And That As Matter Particles Cool And Net Expel GP1 Aether Particles); Dark Energy Is Released Like By The Cooling Hot Gases Equal To The Mass Of The Stars Of A Bullet Cluster And The Cooling Gases At 7777 Kelvin When Our Sun Will Begin To Transform To A Red Giant!!

3): From The Discovery Of The DiPole RePeller Void In 2017): We Are Given That Lowering The Energy Quotient Per Cubic Meter In A Void Releases Measurable Dark Repulsive Energy As The Matter Including Dark Neutrino Matter In The Void Cools And Net Expels Compressed GP1 Aether Particles Creating A Void With Repulsive High GP1 Aether Particle Pressure System!!

4): Suggestion): As Superclusters Crunch And Energy Density Per Cubic Meter Increases And As Nucleon Matter In All The Stars And Neutrino Dark Matter Heats Up By Net Compressing GP1 Aether Particles Inside The Matter Vessel Sacs While Reducing The Volume Of Space): We Generate Increasing Low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Throughout The Supercluster As We Are Given That Gravity And Dark Matter Gravity Will Be Generated By The Reduction In GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Relative To The High GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Of Expanding Voids!!

5): We Are Given That As The Great Attractor And The Shapley Attractor Crunch And Energy Density-Vacuum Energy Increases Per Cubic Meter); Matter Gravity And Dark Matter Gravity Is Generated In The Attractors That Causes The Local Galactic Group, The Virgo Galactic Centric Cluster And The Virgo Supercluster To Be Pulled At 341 Kilometers/Second Towards The Attractors); While The Cooling DiPole RePeller Void With Decreasing Vacuum Energy Per Cubic Meter Pushes Us At 290 Kilometers Per Second Towards The Great Attractor For A Net Total Peculiar Velocity Of 631 Kilometers/Second For Our Virgo Supercluster And Our Local Galactic Group!!

6): We Are Given That Low Air Pressure Hurricane Systems Develop At The Equator And That Hurricanes Intensify From Solar Radiant Heat And Warm Water!!

From The Given Above): I Suggest That The Heating Up Of Matter Particles Results In Low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure That Results In Low Air Pressure And/Or Gravitational Force Is Generated As Potential Dark Energy And Mass Is Stored In Matter Particle Permeable Sacs!!

And At The Earth’s Poles We Are Given That As Matter Cools High Air Pressure Systems Develop As Compressed Net GP1 Aether Particles Pulsate Out Of Nucleon, Electron And Neutrino Pulsating Hovering Permeable Indestructible Vessel Sacs Resulting In High GP1 Aether Particle Systems That Transform Air Particles To High Air Pressure Systems As They Cool!!

7): Side Note): If You Look At A Picture Of A Low Air Pressure Hurricane System On Earth And A Picture Of A Low GP1 Aether Particle Spiral Galaxy System In Space Side By Side); You Will Find The Pictures Are Nearly Identical Because Both Are Low GP1 Aether Particle Systems!!

I welcome any and all questions about any and all of my posts, theories and associated proofs!! If you should question, you will learn about gravity, dark matter gravity and dark energy mysteries as given by modern physicists along with logical easy to understand physical mechanical explanations based on given facts!!

Talk More Soon!! Have A Great Day!!
Jun 11, 2023
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All this makes you realize just how interconnected everything is.
Yes!! Exactly!! Especially, since modern physicists do not know about the physical mechanical process/medium that allows atomic level electromagnetic pulsations to constructively interfere to higher amplitude light bulb electromagnetic pulsations, stellar high amplitude pulsations and galactic higher amplitude electromagnetic pulsations.

In the 1890s, Michelson-Morley experiments, supposedly, proved that electromagnetic waves propagated, miraculously, without a medium in “empty space” as a wave without physical substance as massless photons.

The misassumption, above, that EM waves propagate without a medium will condemn all physicists in perpetuity to never being able to explain how gravity is generated, dark matter, dark energy and the evolution of neutrons in our finite in volume ageless universe.

I, on the other hand, argue that since sound waves propagate in pressurized gaseous air with all the properties of electromagnetic waves proves beyond a reasonable doubt that electromagnetic waves must propagate in a gaseous GP1 Aether Particle (GP1) medium under pressure similar but tinier than the air medium for sound waves.

And Since the universe is infinitely old (proof later) and the gaseous GP1 Aether Particles must be under pressure, I argue that our ageless universe must be finite in volume with matter and energy reflective edges because otherwise the GP1 Aether particles would depressurize and light waves would no longer be able to propagate.

My theoretical Gaseous Aether Particle): The God Particle 1 (GP1) is defined as the tiniest gaseous particle of mass in the universe, the medium of electromagnetic waves and the building of all indestructible matter permeable sacs with rest mass!!): The Neutron, The Proton, The Electron and the Neutrino gaseous permeable pulsating permeable sacs.

In your opinion, does the fact that sound waves propagate in air with all the properties of electromagnetic waves prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that electromagnetic waves propagate in a gaseous GP1 Aether Particle Medium under pressure??

Talk more, soon!! Have a great day!!
Only in the Horizon Mirror-world's pole-point (3 in 1 (north, south, and center poles all-in-one (EW) monopole point singularity, so to speak)) of "outside of time" or having to do with "spontaneous concurrent REALTIME" is the universe "infinitely old" . . . and/or so new as to be locally observed [as] unobserved, unobservable, distant future histories -- however near or far distant in SPACE FRONTIERS those distant future histories are.
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