See picture below: <br />Caption: There are blue arrows crossing the words "You are here" that outline the general path, which the Milky Way and other galaxies in the Local Group are going to travel, over the course of billions of years. The color of lines bending toward the Local group indicate the shift in light's frequency as it travels to the Milky Way. Such shifts in frequency are caused by a large central gravitational well as well as doppler effects caused by galaxies being pulled apart from one another due to large gravitational rips which are strongest in places where there are blue galaxies.<br /><br />It is possible that the 3 blue clusters of galaxies are closer than depicted in the image below (see image on the next post). This would improve the theory by minimizing the predictive value of gravitational blueshift of light coming from galaxies which are much further away from the center, than our Local Group. Of course, in this theory, the doppler redshift component is much greater than the gravitational blueshift component - thus having a net redshift of light.<br /><br />The gravitational blueshift component of light coming from these far-away galaxies would decrease if another mass of blue galaxies and its attractor were located not far from the local group. If the local group is located between two clouds of blue galaxies with their corresponding attractors, then if we are to look either way, we will see hot, blue galaxies billions of light years away in virtually all directions. In the image below, you only see the Local Group with one corresponding attractor. In the image, there are two other attractors, each with their corresponding galaxies, but these attractors, as shown here, are too far away to have the effect described above. The light coming from galaxies which are further away from the attractor's blue galaxies, than the Local Group, would not have enough redshift for there to be the even distribution of redshift/distance that we observe i