>SRBs... And if your re-using them, which should be a major<br />consideration for a 1st stage. How much does it<br />cost to refurb them for the next flight. <br /><br />Another aspect is the time involved between reflights. In theory, a LOx/kero first stage can be landed, refueled and reflown immediately. That would be true "airline" efficiency. Obviously, solids (and hybrids) have the ability to be shelf-stored allowing for many launches in a short span, and current SRB casings are refurbished but at no true cost savings. This is much different from re-using the vehicle as we would a jet or prop driven aircraft, which a flyback or other reusable booster resembles operationally. <br /><br />On the CEV, it should be a capability that NASA sets a price for, or that is posted alongside vehicle development. I'm repeating a theme here, but setting a price ($100,000,000/astronaut 6months in LEO or $44mil like Soyuz) would see American suppliers ready to serve that market much much faster than all this CEV development is taking. It costs them nothing except a one-page prospectus. Having a set price for transport would allow companies such as t/space to aquire loans, as it would be an assured market. <br />They can look at the price, the cost of their development and know that (barring failure) they can actually repay the loans. <br /><br />I just got back from ISDC, and found a critical distinction between NASA/Primes and the newspace companies: the newspace companies are building and flying hardware now, even if it's limited, while CEV etc seem to be drowning slowly. There were great VSE viewgraphs, and the various Challenges NASA has posted are great incentives, but they don't seem to have any flying hardware. Compare that to 20+ launches (of wide range) that will happen at the XPrize Cup 2006, or that Dave Masten can go from napkin to 100lb thrust methane engine in 6 weeks. As always, I'm not "dissing" NASA, I just want to know where the hardware is. The money spent on the <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div align="center"><em>We need a first generation of pioneers.</em><br /></div> </div>