The Discovery of Photon Mass Supports the Theory of Photons Having a Gravitational Effect

Mar 30, 2020
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Recently, a very interesting paper was published in the Astrophysical Journal, titled "Bounding the Photon Mass with Ultrawide Bandwidth Pulsar Timing Data and Dedispersed Pulses of Fast Radio Bursts" by Yu-Bin Wang et al. This paper bounds the possible mass of photons by observing frequency-dependent effects.

In March 2020, we published a paper titled "Unified Field Theory for Gravity and Electromagnetism and Its Explanation for Dark Matter Observations," which explains how electromagnetic waves or photons can have a gravitational effect similar to baryonic matter.

In our paper, we derived equations for the force between photons or between a photon and matter with mass. You can find the details of this relationship.

The conclusion in Mr. Wang's paper about the nonzero mass of photons supports and enhances the "Unified Field Theory for Gravity and Electromagnetism." The empirical evidence of photon mass provides a basis for further exploration of gravitational interactions involving photons, aligning with the unified field theory's broader claims about the interplay between gravity and electromagnetism.

Dark matter is light (gravitational effect of EM waves, Photons).
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Jun 1, 2024
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Since the photon is energy, according to the theory of relativity, it is enough to generate gravity. Mass does not necessarily have to exist to generate gravity.
Mar 30, 2020
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This research by Mr. Wang is not the first to support the theory that photons or EM waves exert gravitational force. Last year, a paper published in Nature Astronomy by the University of Hong Kong provided evidence that dark matter is wave-like. This discovery marks a significant milestone in our understanding of this enigmatic substance.

You can find the paper here: Einstein rings modulated by wavelike dark matter from anomalies in gravitationally lensed images.

At that time, we posted on this forum: We predicted years ago that dark matter behaves wave-like.
Mar 30, 2020
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The mainstream scientific community still questions the new gravity theory that photons or EM waves exert gravitational force. Here, Dr. Ethan Siegel kindly offers his disagreement with our hypothesis in his article, "If photons have mass, could they explain dark matter?"

You can read his argument here:

Please take a look at his argument to get both sides of the opinion.
Jan 2, 2024
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Recently, a very interesting paper was published in the Astrophysical Journal, titled "Bounding the Photon Mass with Ultrawide Bandwidth Pulsar Timing Data and Dedispersed Pulses of Fast Radio Bursts" by Yu-Bin Wang et al. This paper bounds the possible mass of photons by observing frequency-dependent effects.

In March 2020, we published a paper titled "Unified Field Theory for Gravity and Electromagnetism and Its Explanation for Dark Matter Observations," which explains how electromagnetic waves or photons can have a gravitational effect similar to baryonic matter.

In our paper, we derived equations for the force between photons or between a photon and matter with mass. You can find the details of this relationship.

The conclusion in Mr. Wang's paper about the nonzero mass of photons supports and enhances the "Unified Field Theory for Gravity and Electromagnetism." The empirical evidence of photon mass provides a basis for further exploration of gravitational interactions involving photons, aligning with the unified field theory's broader claims about the interplay between gravity and electromagnetism.

Dark matter is light (gravitational effect of EM waves, Photons).
Time presses so this response is to remind me via "threads with your posts" to get an easy way back!
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Apr 1, 2022
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if photons have gravity, then if photons are moving away from the observable universe, would that not affect the Lorentz scalar of this observable universe?

what would a slow change in Lorentz scalar over time look like? expansion?
Mass does not necessarily have to exist to generate gravity.
Gravity IS the interaction of mass fields,
namely/specifically the relative space deficit aspect of of mass fields.

Photons have energy so at a minimum they have relative mass.

Whether there could be a relative space deficit without time dilation is unknown,
but I am pretty sure that hasn't been observed in nature.

Most physicists haven't even figured out mass fields have a relative space deficit in the first place.

Trying to explain gravity as purely a function of time dilation is contradictory confusion at best.
if photons have gravity, then if photons are moving away from the observable universe, would that not affect the Lorentz scalar of this observable universe?

what would a slow change in Lorentz scalar over time look like? expansion?
If [those] photons are discovered to have measurably finite mass, then they are no longer photons but something else. All microcosmic quantum particles, and macrocosmic "observable universes" too, with only the possible exception of strong interaction's 'gluon' of 'unity' ('1') are out of . . . from . . . measurably finite massless photons.

Asymptotic massless-ness never actually reaches zero, though, just goes immeasurably infinitesimal (therefore immeasurably infinite (infinite zero)) in mass-energy. The root of "infinitesimal" just happens to be "infinite" in the equal but opposite direction and magnitude. "Finite" is, of course, always local-relative base.
Apr 1, 2022
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If [those] photons are discovered to have measurably finite mass, then they are no longer photons but something else. All microcosmic quantum particles, and macrocosmic "observable universes" too, with only the possible exception of strong interaction's 'gluon' of 'unity' ('1') are out of . . . from . . . measurably finite massless photons.

Asymptotic massless-ness never actually reaches zero, though, just goes immeasurably infinitesimal (therefore immeasurably infinite (infinite zero)) in mass-energy. The root of "infinitesimal" just happens to be "infinite" in the equal but opposite direction and magnitude. "Finite" is, of course, always local-relative base.
Seems to me that each photon that left the observable universe would cause a reduction in mass of the observable universe in the amount E/c^2.


Aug 6, 2024
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Recently, a very interesting paper was published in the Astrophysical Journal, titled "Bounding the Photon Mass with Ultrawide Bandwidth Pulsar Timing Data and Dedispersed Pulses of Fast Radio Bursts" by Yu-Bin Wang et al. This paper bounds the possible mass of photons by observing frequency-dependent effects.

In March 2020, we published a paper titled "Unified Field Theory for Gravity and Electromagnetism and Its Explanation for Dark Matter Observations," which explains how electromagnetic waves or photons can have a gravitational effect similar to baryonic matter.

In our paper, we derived equations for the force between photons or between a photon and matter with mass. You can find the details of this relationship.

The conclusion in Mr. Wang's paper about the nonzero mass of photons supports and enhances the "Unified Field Theory for Gravity and Electromagnetism." The empirical evidence of photon mass provides a basis for further exploration of gravitational interactions involving photons, aligning with the unified field theory's broader claims about the interplay between gravity and electromagnetism.

Dark matter is light (gravitational effect of EM waves, Photons).
If photons have mass then how do they travel only at light speed and if true literally all of physics needs to be rewritten. Also where does the mass go when the light is turned off and wouldn't the Earth be larger from being constantly bombarded with photons from the sun?
Seems to me that each photon that left the observable universe would cause a reduction in mass of the observable universe in the amount E/c^2.
You are seeing both your math and the physic wrong. The mass result from E/c^2 is exactly the same mass as goes into E=mc^2. No difference.

I did read somewhere at one time that 'c^2' can only, in fact, ultimately equal 'c'. The difference is in its use as a conversion factor, mass to energy and energy to mass . . . mass-energy inverse squaring or the potential particular mass acceleration in expansion. Say, the mass of the universe c-squaring and resulting in its energy.

The problem becomes, I've read from Hawking, the mass and energy of the universe have been calculated to net zero, identical to the net space and time of the universe. Accelerating contractions of the overall universe has to exactly balance accelerating expansion of the overall universe to net that zeroing of mass and energy, space and time, and come out of that mutual cancelation local-relative results, I would suppose.


Aug 6, 2024
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You are seeing both your math and the physic wrong. The mass result from E/c^2 is exactly the same mass as goes into E=mc^2. No difference.

I did read somewhere at one time that 'c^2' can only, in fact, ultimately equal 'c'. The difference is in its use as a conversion factor, mass to energy and energy to mass . . . mass-energy inverse squaring or the potential particular mass acceleration in expansion. Say, the mass of the universe c-squaring and resulting in its energy.

The problem becomes, I've read from Hawking, the mass and energy of the universe have been calculated to net zero, identical to the net space and time of the universe. Accelerating contractions of the overall universe has to exactly balance accelerating expansion of the overall universe to net that zeroing of mass and energy, space and time, and come out of that mutual cancelation local-relative results, I would suppose.
Taking Hawking seriously when he wrote that nothing can escape a BH, before he wrote that everything escapes a BH is itself a problem.
I don’t believe this is a discovery. It’s just a useless and miss-directing math path. A math possibility. Not a physical possibility.

A photon has no mass. Mass is the property of inertia. And a photon has none. It can change direction without impedance. Without even time. Inertia uses time, it takes time. Time to change.

But a photon does have momentum. Momentum without mass. Density is all that’s needed for momentum.

Our miss-conception of light gives us spacetime and expanding space. And background radiation.

Light is an intermittent field, not a particle and not a wave.

The mysterious so called duality of light is this intermittent field. A duty cycle of field.

The so called photon energy equation is only a part of the emission. That part is the torque part of the photon, and that torque does not fade with distance. But even that part is described wrong in that photon energy equation. A false equation.

But it will continue because they miss-understand what a physical photon is. It only has a ½ WL duration, not a full wavelength. ½ period. The second half of the period comes from the mass reaction to the first ½ period, not the photon. The mass reaction is equal and opposite. And you think it’s frequency, but it’s just a mass bounce. Mass reaction.

The linear momentum decreases at inverse square of distance. Because the density does. But the torque interaction of a photon is constant for 13 billion years of flight. That ½ period of emission never changes…… only the space between those periods does.

But science knows nothing of this.

If you change your star light processing from alternating wave processing, back to inverted duty cycle processing, this universe will look a lot different and a lot clearer. PLUS we would be able to measure distance with a lot more accuracy.

Starlight without distortion. Remove the mass bounce.

Only then, can space expansion be detected and measured.

All of science is based on light. We ought to measure it. This is more important than going to Mars.