Hubble deep space images do indeed show galaxies going on for quite a ways. However, their various characteristics do not indicate that they go on forever, unchanging.<br /><br />The further you go, the lower the metal content of galaxies, meaning there have been less star development (fewer stellar "generations" of stars) that are required to enrich galaxies and newborn stars with metals heavier than helium. They also more chaotic organization, more collisions, and far more powerful and active galactic nuclei.<br /><br />All of these suggest younger galaxies. As the more distant the galaxies are, they are all younger, and we see no variation in the stages, that implies that they were all formed at a similar time.<br /><br />If the universe was eternal, we should see a uniform mixture of galaxies in all stages of development as far as we look.<br /><br /><br />why06: I can show you a geometry where there is no center, several actually.<br /><br />Take an infinite plane...where is the center? Any one you pick is arbitrary.<br /><br />Take the surface of a sphere, where is the center? any one you pick is arbitrary.<br /><br />In one, the space is infiinite and unbounded (the plane), in another, the space is infinite (you never hit an edge) but bounded, as you begin to loop.<br /><br />Either situation is a possible solution to the GR equations. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p align="center"><font color="#c0c0c0"><br /></font></p><p align="center"><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">--------</font></em></font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">--------</font></em></font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">----</font></em></font><font color="#666699"> </font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">-------------------</font></em></font></p><p><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">"This is my Timey Wimey Detector. Goes "bing" when there's stuff. It also fries eggs at 30 paces, wether you want it to or not actually. I've learned to stay away from hens: It's not pretty when they blow" -- </font></em></font><font size="1" color="#999999">The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>