The moon will block a bright double star tonight. Here's how to see it.

I was able to view this event last night using my telescope.

"The Moon will occult Delta Scorpii"

I was able to view this event last night using my 90-refractor telescope at 31x. [Observed 2200-2230 EDT. Full Moon 14-Jun-2022 1152 UT. Lunar occultation at 2224 EDT using my flip phone time of the bright star delta Sco. That is when Dschubba disappeared behind the Moon in the eyepiece view. Some altocumulus bands moved by but when occultation time, the observations in the clear. Dschubba star is very bright. It was easy to see as the Moon moved closer and closer to the star. The Moon occulated the star in the southern limb, Tycho crater quite prominent in the eyepiece. This was enjoyable to view but I did not stay until Dschubba reappeared again.]


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