The planet Mars is full of life

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May 14, 2021
Greenhouses with artificial atmosphere. Mars gets almost half the sunlight Earth does. Plants would be slower growing, but, with seasons being twice as long, might work out with some crops. Would need to purify the water to remove toxins.
But mirrors could be constructed adjacent to the greenhouse to reflect additional light as needed.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
The planet Mars is full of life

I think we need to make it clear that this statement is most unlikely to be true.

It is (perhaps) remotely possible that some simple life form began and remains, but to suggest that Mars is "full of life" when landings have so far found no trace, is stretching the truth.

Cat :)
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Oct 11, 2021
Mars has anomalies that's for sure. But life ? That's highly questionable. Personally I don't think it dose, but I wish it did. That would be exciting to say the least. We haven't seen any evidence of life, past or present. My big sister said if I were able to ever go to Mars , I would head of to the closest cave lol.
Some scientists say earth's microbes could survive on the red planet, if there used to be life there, then there is a possibility that these microbes could have survived. Maybe it's just that the authorities don't want to show us everything.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
I think the interesting question is whether independent life exists outside Earth, and not whether Earth life forms can exist in alien environments.

I believe that great care is taken to prevent contamination, and that this is no place for conspiracy theories.

Cat :)
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May 14, 2021
As several countries have been involved in Mars missions, it is doubtful that any discovered life would be kept secret. Any country would love to be the fist to make that announcement.
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Apr 3, 2020
As several countries have been involved in Mars missions, it is doubtful that any discovered life would be kept secret. Any country would love to be the fist to make that announcement.
This is spot on. In the modern world, a "secret" of this magnitude would not be "secret" very long.

Nothing nefarious to see here...
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Feb 3, 2020
I've heard Mars described as a freeze-dried desert, and given modern thinking about the definition of the Goldilocks Zone, it certainly seems possible life may have existed on Mars at some point. It may still be there in a dormant state, just waiting for its moment in the sun.

In the deserts of Arizona 3 eyed shrimp just reappeared following decades of dormancy. These things have been out of sight so long the local scientists had to use Google to identify them. A wet summer brought them around for a quick roll in the mud.

Perhaps similar processes occur on Mars.
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The planet Mars is full of life

I still believe that title has been shown untrue, and that shades of divergence have been discussed.

What more is there to say? Mars is not full of life.


Cat :)
I agree Cat, life maybe.
But full of life doubtful.
Just a few random places of life in lucky places i think.
If it has any form of life.
Ice moons i think will be better results for some format of life.
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I've heard Mars described as a freeze-dried desert, and given modern thinking about the definition of the Goldilocks Zone, it certainly seems possible life may have existed on Mars at some point. It may still be there in a dormant state, just waiting for its moment in the sun.

In the deserts of Arizona 3 eyed shrimp just reappeared following decades of dormancy. These things have been out of sight so long the local scientists had to use Google to identify them. A wet summer brought them around for a quick roll in the mud.

Perhaps similar processes occur on Mars.
Yep mars right now at the surface is a pretty hostile place for life, freeze dried/micro meteorites/radiation etc.
Underground if mars had life at some distant past it probably still has it.
Finding those lucky places i think would be a monumental challenge.
Digging down we are sure to find water and warm at some depth on Mars and that combo on Earth= life of some format.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"we are sure to find water and warm at some depth on Mars and that combo on Earth= life of some format."

How can you say we are sure? We can say possibly? maybe? but not definitely.

What about other facts like sunlight?

You cannot support this: The planet Mars is full of life

Cat :)
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"we are sure to find water and warm at some depth on Mars and that combo on Earth= life of some format."

How can you say we are sure? We can say possibly? maybe? but not definitely.

What about other facts like sunlight?

You cannot support this: The planet Mars is full of life

Cat :)
No guarantee Mars has any life.
Warm and water underground gives a good chance that if Mars had life at some distant past that it probably still exists.
Most of the weight of life on earth needs no light and is underground so i would expect Mars life would have been the same.
We could drill holes forever on Mars and find just wet puddles and no life, just as easily any puddle could contain life.
Couple billion years of Mars similar to Earth and exchange of rocks between them when earth had life i think will make those puddles on Mars a very good chance of basic life.



"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
VPE, I think we are in agreement.

It is very possible that there was life on Mars, and possibly some remnants remain.

What is absolutely untrue is that The planet Mars is full of life

The verb IS = present tense. It is remotely possible that come vestige still remains, but it is absolutely 100% CERTAIN that Mars is NOT FULL OF LIFE.

That is incontrovertible. EOS.

Cat :)
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Sep 24, 2021
People have pondered the possibility of life on Mars for centuries because of the planet's proximity and its resemblance to Earth. The search for signs of life began in the 19th century and continues to the present day. The Curiosity rover is an autonomous chemical laboratory several times larger and heavier than previous rovers, it arrived on Mars on August 6, 2012. The device discovered organic molecules in rocks with an age of 3.5 billion years, which may indicate the presence of favorable conditions for life in the past ...


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
OP opened with: "
Hello everyone, I am trying to prove a Hypothesis:
The planet Mars is alive and many of the "rocks" it contains are not really rocks, they are something that has a life cycle." My emphasis.

We have completely answered generally (past and present).

Just to conclude: I say NOT PROVEN. They are rocks and not alive.

Cat :)
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May 25, 2021
OP opened with: "
Hello everyone, I am trying to prove a Hypothesis:
The planet Mars is alive and many of the "rocks" it contains are not really rocks, they are something that has a life cycle." My emphasis.

We have completely answered generally (past and present).

Just to conclude: I say NOT PROVEN. They are rocks and not alive.

Cat :)
Tornado like funnels have been seen on Mars from orbit. Perhaps they can vary in intensity and move these rocks around. I don't think they are a life form of any degree.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Clovis, my impression is that they are claiming some life form under the surface 'burrowing around' and leaving a surface 'trail'. I cannot see this as connected with atmospheric funnels.

Cat :)
May 25, 2021
Tornado like funnels have been seen on Mars from orbit. Perhaps they can vary in intensity and move these rocks around. I don't think they are a life form of any degree.

I only put it forward as one possible explanation of any surface rock movement. Underground is still something we don't yet understand.
Move a rock through surface sand. And it's going to leave a trail.
We have dust devils " small tornados" that leave a trail in the sand.
Are they powerful ? Saw where one picked up a dumpster.
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May 25, 2021
I would really like to meet with you Catastrophe. Over a cup of tea. Or a brew of your choosing. England was a good stop off for me when I was working in Europe . I would like that ole chap.
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