I've said that the infinite Universe is also the ultimate entropic entity. As definitions state, entropy is taken from the words 'turn' and 'transformation', meaning 'change'. It has come to infer nothing but negativity, which is in no way true. Because I've been long a student of history I've run into entropy as a matter of history again and again, and again, and found it to be a basis for renewal of energy, the constant basis for [renewals] of energy. How? Complexity builds in a system, building up [negative forces] for collapse. Once the collapse occurs, or even while it is occurring, the system is beginning to open to energy; to freeing and becoming energetically disorderly once more. A system too tyrannically uniform and flat and smooth, too tyrannically ordered and symmetrical, too slavishly Utopian or perfected, is one on the way to locking, to seizing, itself up: Is a system closing, closing, closing toward collapse from a complexity too maximized. And that collapse will always be toward energetic opening to.... systemically maximizing energy once more (regarding the infinity of finite local, relative universes (u), energy is never lost nor gained, only minimized or maximized; exactly the same as its flip-side of the coin, entropy). Regarding the infinite Universe (U) (('1') ('-1')), it is never anything but maximized in conditions of entropy, the ultimate entity ('Utopia' = Gk.: 'Nowhereland' ('Everywhereland' or all in one 'All-At-Once-Land' (infinitely "flat as a pancake", so to speak))) of entropy (Big Crunch Vortex (Big Hole Vacuum) (Big Mirror Mirroring...)).
(*note* I used the terms "negative energy" and "negative energies." Upon further information gleaned, I should not have. "Forces" is what I actually meant and should use...and inserted in place.)
Einstein -- "God does not play dice with the Universe!"
Hawking -- "Oh yes He does! But they're loaded!"