It won't be long now. With all of the Tier One military whistleblowrrs coming forward, the whole planet is going to learn the secrets that have been hidden from us for DECADES. WE ARE NOT ALONE. Our military has been retrieving downed NHI (non-human intelligence) crafts & have been reverse engineering them to duplicate their technology.
Even more bizarre is HOW they are accessing these craft. The method is called Scionics and it involves telepathically gaining control of the craft & bringing them in. UNBELIEVABLE!!!! BUT, it is a fact.
I know you all think I've lost it, and I almost wish I was making it up....
Go checkout all of the information on 'Reality Check' on News Nation on YouTube. Several high-level whistleblowers have recently come forward & the interview with Lt. Col (Retired) Jake Barber. It will blow your mind. It did mine.
Even more bizarre is HOW they are accessing these craft. The method is called Scionics and it involves telepathically gaining control of the craft & bringing them in. UNBELIEVABLE!!!! BUT, it is a fact.
I know you all think I've lost it, and I almost wish I was making it up....
Go checkout all of the information on 'Reality Check' on News Nation on YouTube. Several high-level whistleblowers have recently come forward & the interview with Lt. Col (Retired) Jake Barber. It will blow your mind. It did mine.