This spot will be key to the inevitable collapse of a key Atlantic current

It seems obvious that this circulation pattern must also have been disrupted by the much larger freshwater inputs at the end of the peak glaciation around 20,000 years ago.

So, the pattern apparently also recurs when the fresh water input is reduced. Otherwise, it would not be occurring today.

Perhaps we could learn some useful things by using ocean sediment cores to study how often this has happened in the past couple of hundred thousand years and what occurred on the northern continents in correlation with the AMOC changes.
Nov 30, 2024
It seems obvious that this circulation pattern must also have been disrupted by the much larger freshwater inputs at the end of the peak glaciation around 20,000 years ago.

So, the pattern apparently also recurs when the fresh water input is reduced. Otherwise, it would not be occurring today.

Perhaps we could learn some useful things by using ocean sediment cores to study how often this has happened in the past couple of hundred thousand years and what occurred on the northern continents in correlation with the AMOC changes.
A good thought. Per google many studies already look at sediment cores re AMOC, going back as much as 140 million years.


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