Feature This week's community question concerns space travel!

Oct 10, 2019

Ok, so, imagine for a second that you are about to set off on a journey. Not just any journey, though - you're heading to another planet! It turns out that this planet is about a year away. So, knowing that you'll be spending a total of two years going back and forth, the question is...what would you make sure to take with you? This could range from basic necessities to something more personal - it's totally up to you!

Let us know and your answer could be featured in our weekly community round-up!
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Given that the basics for biological life support would be provided. I would take the Complete Works of Shakespeare, music by Beethoven, Brahms, J.S. Back and Mozart, a book on the history of Mathematics and, in addition, a Leatherman with bottle opener, and two dozen cases of wine , half red, half white. The last items would be in conjunction with hours of relaxed starring out of the view port at the passing stars and Universe. Yes, I realize in that situation my reporting of any extraterrestrial sightings or phenomena would be taken with the proverbial "gain of salt", but I wouldn't care. Who would?
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Jan 25, 2020
I would take a microfiche reader with lenses and mirrors so a sun can be used as a light source, and then put as much information, especially technical, on celluloid sheets sandwiched between gorilla glass panels designed to last for decades. That way, if the colonists lose all access to electronically stored data, I would have it all in a format that can be read with no additional technology.
For the trip, I would have to take at least 150 books so I could while away the time.
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Nov 11, 2020
I would have a movie server with approximately 2000 movies and many albums of various artists, electronic books etc. This server can all be stored on a 10TB drive and a laptop. I also would have project software for programming. This all assumes that clothing and basic needs are met. I would also have an emergency kit (not for real emergencies) for extra items that may have been missed for the team; articles of clothing, towels, utensils, knives, duct tape, etc.
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Jan 26, 2020
Make sure I've got a companion like TARS, he should be able to access all the audio books and music I need for the 2 year round trip :D Even though it seems hilarious, being able to converse with an AI isn't that bad. Well, at least I don't need to share rations with someone else.
Nov 30, 2019
I would take Elon Musk with me. He would know how and where to navigate, getting us there safely and returning safely. He would make a great space partner. Plus, he'd be cool to hang out with!
Jan 23, 2020
Under the probable assumption that e-readers, notebooks/laptops and a huge electronic library of books/movies/games are all part of ship allowances for crew, and that there would be strict limits on personal amount of weight/volume allowed per person, you need to bring items that are small, lightweight, and not likely to be part of the ship stores. SO: 1. a terabyte flash drive of family videos, pictures (some make specifically for the trip); 2. small bottles of spices to add to shipboard food (nutmeg, saffron, ginger, etc), 3. small containers of some specialty foods (spicy sardines, smoked mussels, etc.; 3. two DJI mini2 drones (for fun). and finally 4. 2 sets of very comfy sleepwear.
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Dec 29, 2019
I would make sure I had all the tools mechanical and electrical to affect a quick fix should it be required. I would also make certain I had plenty of music and a source for direct live feeds from back home.
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Aug 5, 2020
Assuming that my basic needs are covered (i.e. food, water, clothing, toiletries, etc), I would take with me a laptop to record my trip and my experiences (diary), some downloaded yoga and meditation videos, and several ebooks (Stephen King and others). I would also like to do some space experiments; things that we take for granted here on Earth, such has what plants grow and survive best in zero-gravity, how does small life forms (like earth worms) adapt in a space environment, do normal foods we eat (potatoes, apples, banana's etc.) last longer in the vacuum of space.
Feb 11, 2021
Ich würde Bücher, ein Teleskop, gute Schuhe, eine Waffe, Insektenspray, Antibiotika, Ferngläser, Sonnenbrillen, Vitamintabletten und mein spezielles Kissen für süße Träume mitnehmen.

Google Translated:
I would take books, a telescope, good shoes, a gun, bug spray, antibiotics, binoculars, sunglasses, vitamin tablets and my special pillow for sweet dreams.
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Feb 24, 2021
I´d want to bring 3 books if the other crew members would bring 3 too, we could borrow each others and make sure everyone has a fresh book each month. Also I would bring mini-games, music, art & some old school computer games. I´d hope the crew would be 50/50 male / female. But in the end I guess the most important thing to bring would be Friendship.
After all; the best Ship in Space is the Friendship!
Nov 19, 2019
A very large amount of digital media including music, books and photographs and devices to use it. Toothbrushes with toothpaste to last two plus years and as much toilet paper I can carry. A handball and football if gravity is simulated along with my favorite baseball cap. Also if I could I would take extra fuel.
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Can I take a pet? Better, can I take my wife?

Actually I think the best thing to take along is work - some significant projects that could keep me fully engaged, even where such work is not essential.

An abundance of digital entertainment - video, audio, books, games - seems like something easy and low mass but will probably already be included by default. I can't imagine them keeping me occupied and engaged for a year at a time, if that is all there is to do.

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