Unified Strings 21 or 19 (Dimensions & Aspects of Spacetime) – Physics’ Theory of Everything

Nov 21, 2019
Superstring theory (10 dimensions) and supergravity theory (11 dimensions) state that the 4 forces of Nature - gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear & weak nuclear - are united by the smallest things possible: 1-dimensional ultra-subatomic strings of energy. M-theory unifies these field theories of 6 or 7 higher-dimensions (hyperspace) + the 4 common dimensions.

Superstring theory: 6 dimensions hyperspace + 4 common dimensions = 10 dimensions spacetime
or Supergravity theory & M-theory: 7D hs + 4D = 11D st

Unified Strings 21 or 19 (Dimensions & Aspects of Spacetime)
Theory of Everything:
Superstring & M-theory + time analysis providing a very simple symmetry breaking

7 dimensions hyperspace + 3D regular space + 7 aspects regular time + 4A hypertime =
21 dimensions & aspects of spacetime

or 6D hs + 3D rs + 6A rt + 4A ht = 19D&A st (engineerable, e.g. Planet Nestor)​

The 12 Aspects of One-Dimensional Time
6 or 7 aspects of regular time: beginning, end, past, present, future, void?, a constant - speed-of-light
4 aspects of hypertime: fast-forward, reverse, pause/stop, before beginning & after end of Universe
12. imaginary time.

Lunar year 12 mo. LY+12 days=solar leap y, solar y’s 12 mo./zodiac. Jupiter’s 12 y orbit/Chinese zodiac. Clock’s 12 hrs & 12 div. of 5 min. 12’’. Ishmael's & Israel's 12 tribes. Jesus age 12. Bat Mitzvah. 12 Apostles, 12 baskets. Revelation’s 12 gates/angels/pearls. 12 Days of Xmas/12th Night. Ages, 12.21.12. 12 Imams. 12 Round Table Knights. Doz. 12 tones, bars, strings. 12 States. 12 on Jury. 12 Federal Reserve Banks. 12 Grades. 12 Fermions. MJ-12. Gemini 12, 12 on Moon. 12 is a superior highly composite number.

Unified Strings 21 or 19 is physics' theory of everything, yet it falls under the umbrella of GOD=7_4 or FOD=6_4 (on Planet Nestor) - the true TOE. See http://GOD704.fandom.com .
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