Unified Theory

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Thank you Mindmute,<br />I have been interested mainly because of an incident where my perception of reality closed in a strange bubble when I was nine. I have long thought it was from the future as the technology to levitate a body did not exist in 1970.<br /><br />It was not until last year when I decided to look into physics a bit that I found there was no current science that considered future access to the past possible. Weird, yes definitely so I set about looking at time as a traversable medium and came up with it and also gravity to be a flow and a density that could be navigated. Formula ds^2 = x^2 + y^2<br /><br />The second derivative gives all directions on the tangent of space through a large enough wormhole. Much like looking at a 2D picture and describing it using a two co-ordinate system, so a Monet of a haystack could theoretically be viewed from behind and within.<br /><br />Similar manifolds are used in the mapping of the circulatory system or of the neural network of the brain. So if a stable bubble of energy had a vector start due to charge separation and also a density meaning fully captured then matter would have had roughly uniform shape from an early stage in the start of the universe.<br /><br />To view contraction and expansion in a captured density would mean there is a pressure decrease and then increase that affects matter as the distances stay very similar but that change over time is measured as red or blue shift. It means quadratic equations and Lorentz contraction of matter changing the radius of gravity on matter by changing our distance to the centre of the earth. It is not as if there is much difficulty in compressing matter which is the basis of trying to detect gravity waves.<br /><br />I am pleased there is the E(8) discovery and like any new idea it will run the gauntlet, but at least that one seems to enjoy a lot more support, cheers <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


"Just priceless. I finally get it you are not serious and are purposely saying goofy stuff to mess with us."<br /><br />I respect that there are things that sound wrong here. I looked for the answers based on my experience and found that it could not be explained by current physics. That is why I looked through the alternates including wormholes and I also respect this next statement of yours:-<br /><br />"Oh crap, don't even go there or I will be forced to go to that stupid (but accurate) argument that there is no evidence that pink dragons don't exist."<br /><br />It is a highly justifiable part of human nature not to accept anything different that comes along that is how early man learnt not to poison himself. Royalty put it to use with taste testers knowing not to trust a known quantity of cooks. Pirates observed birds and that is why the parrot was such an important part of the crew, not to say a some pirates didn't fall foul of a few less than cautious birds.<br /><br />So the pink dragon, my gut feeling is that it is not real although the only truth I have is that I can not know your circumstances or what you believed to have witnessed. Logically the odds are with saying it is non existent or what you believe has some other explanation but given my own experience I am not qualified to deny that you do state your beliefs.<br /><br />When one is nine there is value in not being in trouble for what you did not cause. By not telling anyone about what one did not cause; it still remains a curiosity. Now I have the time to be curious I have attempted to find a solution. By scientific standards this is crude word salad but I do not have the taught skills to present this idea with anything like the professionalism of the E(8).<br /><br />It is the best that I have been able to put together. Perhaps if you know why I needed to look at a different concept it may help explain the motive behind the idea. If the difficulty is with the delivery then that is my fault.<br /><br />English


This post has been going for a while so I will try to wrap it up a bit. If gravity was changing then early dinosaurs with paper thin vertebrae and air filled bones would not struggle to raise their head. Cows by comparison do not have weak boned heads so I am assuming that is the reason the can raise theirs.<br /><br />Article here http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/11/photogalleries/Nigersaurus-pictures/photo2.html<br /><br />Jewelery in the crowns of royalty there are quite a few gems. If there was a difference in the size of the stones to the heavy metals over time then regular refitting would be needed not just cleaning as gems either popped out through pressure or came loose.<br /><br />A system connected in space time through a pressure medium of gravity would be extremely deterministic. It would need to be to enable a link to all events and so be compatible with quantum. The ghost in the machine or thought would need to be the determining factor for change as chaos is the limit of calculations for the 'Q' bit in quantum before the calculation becomes unstable. Quantum computing is much like knowing the answer and waiting for the right question to be asked, not greatly different to creative thought.<br /><br />There probably is a lot more but now with the resumption commercial whaling back on I just don't have the time for any of this.
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