Warehouse 13

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Did anyone catch this the other night? I like the concept, but the acting skillz of the lady lead are inconsistent and stilted. I do like the dude lead's penchant for cookies. The "wacky" scientist who has been working there for a spell is kind of fun, too.

Anyway, thoughts?

Website: Warehouse 13.



I thought it was pretty good. I think maybe the lead lady just needs a little time to find the part is all. Seems to happen in most new shows. Looks like it could be a fun show to watch.


I watched it the other night. I plan to give it a chance, though I think it got the balance a little
far to the cute/funny side in the first show.



doublehelix":f7zayt1u said:
Did anyone catch this the other night? I like the concept, but the acting skillz of the lady lead are inconsistent and stilted. I do like the dude lead's penchant for cookies. The "wacky" scientist who has been working there for a spell is kind of fun, too.

Anyway, thoughts?

Website: Warehouse 13.


It sounds like an X Files rip-off, just like Sanctuary.....but it's an interesting premise. I'll be sure to check it out.


crazyeddie":2eb6ot8m said:
It sounds like an X Files rip-off, just like Sanctuary.....but it's an interesting premise. I'll be sure to check it out.

The energy between the male and female lead reminds me of that in Bones between their two leads - very serious-and-skilled female vs. the more lighthearted-yet-kickass-at-his-job male. That's another show I really enjoy, and I originally started watching it because of David Boreanaz, who I loved in Buffy/Angel.



crazyeddie":3bu6c085 said:
doublehelix":3bu6c085 said:
Did anyone catch this the other night? I like the concept, but the acting skillz of the lady lead are inconsistent and stilted. I do like the dude lead's penchant for cookies. The "wacky" scientist who has been working there for a spell is kind of fun, too.

Anyway, thoughts?

Website: Warehouse 13.


It sounds like an X Files rip-off, just like Sanctuary.....but it's an interesting premise. I'll be sure to check it out.

As a recovered X-Files addict, I don't think that is the way they are going, but I have been wrong in the last minute and a half


It was interesting enough to have me go back for another look. And the quirky keeper of the artifacts reminds me of some Waynes I know :)


I thought last night was somewhat better than the first one. I like the angle that (I think) you have
aomeone hacking themselves....


DOH, I missed it - was watching the All Star Game. Glad to know it's getting better.



It's still a little more towards the fantasy side of things than scifi, but the story was a little better
given that they did not have the burden of story initialization.

They may be spinning us up slowly...


crazyeddie":k59x8dn5 said:
It sounds like an X Files rip-off, just like Sanctuary.....but it's an interesting premise. I'll be sure to check it out.

No, FRINGE is an X-Files rip-off, blatantly, it even bills itself as such, and it's a steaming pile of poop to boot. Warehouse 13 reads more like Friday the 13th: The Series.


I just watched the third episode and I think this show will do well. Having seen all of the episodes though, I also have to agree the female lead is the weak link and I hope she gets better. I like the female assistant at the warehouse better and it looks like the next episode will center on the warehouse more.


The "Strange Artifact of the week" format reminds me in some subtle ways of Kolchak (The old one)


My brother raves about this show. I haven't seen it therefore I have little idea of what he is talking about, and from what I read here it's a mixed bag. Did someone say something about Kolchak? Kolchak rules!!!


jim48":2lbk93at said:
Did someone say something about Kolchak? Kolchak rules!!!

Very much so.

Keep in mind also that at that time in evening TV, each episode was, for the most part, a stand-alone
story, so the "monster of the week" format had definite time limits.

Series today, if they can get enough time initially seem to rely more on longer term stories (see Lost).
That sort of thing would have allowed Kolchak to have a longer life than it did.



bdewoody":3a5h7uhn said:
I just watched the third episode and I think this show will do well. Having seen all of the episodes though, I also have to agree the female lead is the weak link and I hope she gets better. I like the female assistant at the warehouse better and it looks like the next episode will center on the warehouse more.

Well, I just watched the 2-hour pilot and I wasn't too impressed. It started out well, and it had it's good moments, but the climax, reminiscent of Raiders of the Lost Ark, was absurdly beyond my willingness to suspend disbelief. I also thought the premise that this gigantic government warehouse containing artifacts of incredible power from around the world would be managed by one goofy, somewhat obsessive historian/scientist was totally implausible. How did the U.S. come by all this stuff? They never explained! The Tesla "ray gun" and the cute, antiquated Philo Farnsworth videophones were silly....and what's up with "the purple stuff" that somehow robs these artifacts of their power? Perhaps I'm a purist, but I like my science fiction to make sense.....and this show doesn't. Not yet, anyway.....I might give it a chance and watch it a few more times.


In theory, the more people that know about the warehouse, it would seem the more chance of information
leaking. ;)

The hybridization of antique advanced capabilites also plays into the "Government already knows how to do
advanced stuff and is hiding it" conspiracy to be sure.

But your points are well taken, that is why I referred to it earlier in this thread as fantasy rather than Sci Fi.

I do think it has gotten better since the pilot.



I've watched all four episodes on hulu.com.

Clearly someone took the humorous end of Raiders of the Lost Ark as inspiration for Warehouse 13. The episodic story line is very much like the Friday the 13th TV series, an artifact of the week hunt. Unlike Friday the 13th, Warehouse 13 is trying to balance drama with humor. That's a good idea since the plots are pretty lightweight stuff so far.

I liked the Pilot, but after four episodes I rate it a meh so far. I'll keep watching for now, but they might lose me. The character Claudia they just introduced might inject some needed energy into the program. The actress who plays Claudia is also the most attractive and charismatic cast member so far.


There was a series out about 15 to 20 years ago about this team of people that did the same thing, find stuff that was causing problems and fix it somehow. They all lived together in a 3 story book store or some of them did and worked out of it. Does anyonme remember what the name of that series was? I think it dealt more with magic and witchcraft though. Anyway this seems to be like that series to me only more up to date with the effects but the acting isn't that great and writing seems weak at many times. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 stars but barley 5 .


Yes,Poltergeist, The Legacy, was the TV series that is about the same as this one is, thank you!


My wife was really into that series. I seem to recall it was more at the level of "threat of the week" than
artifact of the week. The lived in the Legacy mansion, which I recall being out on an island off San Fran....

(I distinctly recall an episode in which the wrestler known as "The Undertaker" was a guest star)

I recall it as a good series.



I think I've seen that on SyFy's guide listing, actually.



My friend called it "Poltergeist, The Lethargy" because it was so boring.

Relic Hunter, sort of a Lara Croft: Tomb Raider knock off featuring Tia "If she were President she'd be Baberaham Lincoln" Carrere as a smoking-hot archaeologist with a black belt running around saving priceless antiquities, some having mystical properties, from greedy, unscrupulous private collectors, was running at about the same time as Poltergeist, The Legacy and was much more fun to watch, not the least because the show's creators shamelessly played up the sexual tension between Carrere's character and the male lead played by Christien Anholt.

Warehouse 13 keeps getting better every week. The introduction of Claudia has provided room for depth so that the show isn't just Pete and Myka running around trying to figure out what artifact is causing this week's disturbance, reporting back to Artie on the hand-held two way video thingy. As a bonus they have given her some of the best lines on the show. "Percussive maintanence." :lol:
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