Watch the green comet pass the bright star Capella on Sunday (Feb. 5)

I did observe the comet last night. It was easy to pick out in Auriga.

Observed 2100-2200 EST. Waning gibbous Moon in Leo. I viewed C/2022 E3 (ZTF) using 10x50 binoculars and 90-mm refractor telescope at 111x using TeleVue 9-mm Nagler. The comet is magnitude 5.7 according to and easy to see just a bit more than 11 arcminute from the orange color K5 II+B7V double star, eclipsing binary Saclateni or Haedus I in Auriga. The Telrad made for quick locating in Auriga tonight. The comet using 10x50 binoculars near the distinct orange color of Haedus I, no problem viewing. The orange color combination with comet in the FOV, made for a good view and at 111x, distinct coma, fuzzy, with hint of tail with Haedus I orange color. The sky clear, temperature 3C, winds 320/6 knots.

Since 24-Dec-2022, I logged 10 observations of the comet using 10x50 binoculars and 90-mm refractor telescope. Last night, I was saying goodbye :)
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Once again a comet got blown way out of proportion and led to a lot of disappointment. Two key factors should have served as warning bells:
1) Peak brightness of 4.5 of a diffuse object is right at the limit of naked eye visibility.
2) A full Moon peaking right at the wrong time.

Where is Ikeya-Seki 1965 when you need it? Magnitude -15, visible at noon.
(I saw it just before sunrise, it was awesome)
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