What significant historical event/s (from any century, that you personally find intriguing and fascinating) that have occurred in any continent/s, would you most like seeing made into films (or given a TV mini-series adaptation, if the subject matter really needs over 4 hours to be properly told - that Alexander the Great really needed) and what particular filmmaker/s or actor/s would you like seeing involved in making such each film, for either cinema or TV.<br /><br />If anything nominated has already been made into a film (but was done very poorly, disappointingly, or with not enough money in your view, or it didn’t stick to historical facts), nominate it anyway, saying how it should be properly done. Or if anything you’d like seeing made, has been written as any superb fictional novels you've read (mixing historical fact with real and imagined characters and situations), that's quite ok to mention also. <br /><br />