What if we throw poo at Mars?

Apr 30, 2021
Hi everyone. I'm wondering if it would be a good thing to throw our poo at Mars? I've been thinking a lot about it and and it not only sounds like a possible way to start an atmosphere there it also sounds like a rocket industry. I imagine kids growing up wanting to become waste disposal, daily launches to fling our brown gold to the Red Planet. What do you guys think? I think it's pretty advanded humbling, made it to the spave age to throw poop from above the atmosphere.


Stars can't shine without darkness
Apr 9, 2021
Disgusting. But I guess it could work. Except for the fact that we might have to colonize Mars. Still, though, it's disgusting but good thinking.
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Not "Poo" but money, lots and lots of money will be thrown at Mars. Note: Given the probable inflation of all of the world's currencies, overtime "Poo" will be figuratively "worth its weight in gold" for crop fertilizer similar to what is now done in some countries. Ever see a grain of rice almost a large as a thumb nail? ..... such is the power of night soil, (i.e.: Poo for those who have neither seen nor experienced those fertile fields).
Feb 11, 2021
Not "Poo" but money, lots and lots of money will be thrown at Mars. Note: Given the probable inflation of all of the world's currencies, overtime "Poo" will be figuratively "worth its weight in gold" for crop fertilizer similar to what is now done in some countries. Ever see a grain of rice almost a large as a thumb nail? ..... such is the power of night soil, (i.e.: Poo for those who have neither seen nor experienced those fertile fields).
Lots of money are already thrown at Mars. I can't even count all research and missions, and moreover, can't count how much did they cost us.


Apr 3, 2020
Hi everyone. I'm wondering if it would be a good thing to throw our poo at Mars? I've been thinking a lot about it and and it not only sounds like a possible way to start an atmosphere there it also sounds like a rocket industry. I imagine kids growing up wanting to become waste disposal, daily launches to fling our brown gold to the Red Planet. What do you guys think? I think it's pretty advanced humbling, made it to the space age to throw poop from above the atmosphere.
...maybe we could grow potatoes?

OK! I missed Eta Aquarid shower this morning and full grump mode has over ridden emotional control. Hence what follows. Sorry. If those designated as BKIAWICs, (Big Know It Alls What's In Charge), come to the conclusion that seeding Mars with "Poo" has agricultural potential despite aesthetic and biological concerns, shouldn't only the very best of the best "Poo" be used? To such an objective, I and others are willing to sell sundry mixtures of "Poo" for whatever exorbitant price "The Mars Poo Space Program" sets. N.B.: my in-laws could be prime contractors, so there would be no issues about supply.
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May 25, 2021
It wouldn't work anyway, the poo concoction would freeze solid. Any helpful bacteria or anything else would die due to the radiation. Plants would not grow, maybe algae but not the way it is there now.
This thread is a Sophomoric temptation, yes indeed, but what the heck! "There was a man from St. Cloud whose bathroom noises were very loud". "His social life was a pain, yet he did not complain". "For to him there was no detriment because Mars needs his excrement". ....... No more I promise.
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Jun 15, 2021
I think that nothing will work out of this, first of all, the poop needs to be delivered there somehow, if we just throw them out there, then they simply will not reach. And it is not expedient to build some kind of pipeline there and is resource justified.
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Apr 30, 2021
Thanks everyone for the replies. It was fun reading. I still have a dream of one day standing on the wing of a space plane, and throwing a turd with a GPS tracker in it at Mars, and see how close I get. Plus, is the first thing we did on earth sooo, space here we come! I'll leave you with a haiku.

It smells Brown
On the Red Planet
Blue dot Earth
Apr 13, 2021
Crystal growth under no gravity conditions, and after trillions of years of evolution asteroid growth may be a science we have little understanding of. When they impact a planet the seed of their trillion year evolution, longer than the planet it impacted has an out crop similar to the first plant life.
The recent pictures of what looks like ant hills we would see in Africa weathered down showing a center trunk is available now to look at online.
Poo on Phobos then de-orbit it.
The impact and spread of very dark material from Phobos will have a serious climate change on Mars.
Won't make it Earth like but might make enough atmosphere and global warming to at least make it a radiation safe place.
Jul 30, 2021
I can imagine Jeff Bezos starting up a Brown Origin division for routine 'deliveries' once Musk gets some rich folks settled on Mars.


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