<p>ref from the forum: "The faster you go, the more your mass will increase."</p><p>ref: http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/glossary/mass.html</p><p>the two ideas seem to conflict</p><p>Density, volume, and weight are all independent characteristics of elements.<br />Gold is heavier than iron because it has more mass and density in an equal volume.</p><p>How does increased speed increase volume or density, or does it, and what of gravity?</p><p>If my density is climbing with speed, then it would seem that my volume would decrease. If my volume decreased then space-time would necessarily fill the gap, and so it would have to expand.</p><p>What are the correct correlations here?</p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>DenniSys.com</p> </div>