No, it is only a mirage (as you know).
Your "more ordered" structure comes at the expense of degraded energy, primarily from the cascade of high energy photons converted into glucose by the photosynthetic reaction center in plants, following the conversion of that glucose into "chemical energy" (e.g. ATP) which built your body. All of these processes are entropic, so humans and all life are a mirage of "anti-entropy."
Creationists use this false, anti-entropic argument against evolution (order from disorder). It is all a bunch of nonsense, of course.
Whatever expense it came at, the end result is that I'm (temporarily) much more highly ordered than the rest of the universe. I eat dead plants and animals and turn them into highly ordered living functioning cells. I can even create order by taking a random pile of bricks and turning them into a house. My house is highly ordered the earth is highly ordered. I live in a highly ordered environment on a highly ordered planet.
Another example of concentrating order is that our sun and solar system came from the thinly dispersed order of the gas cloud which formed our solar system.
I don't think entropy has to be the same all over, there are pockets of high and low entropy throughout. As long as the average entropy is increasing, I don't see a problem.
I like the notion from quantum mechanics that says information can't be created or destroyed. However, I think information needs humans, ie to inform. So' I like to think of information as order, as that exists without humans. I will then say that order can't be created or destroyed. In this case, I don't think there's disorder, I like to think of it as order which is still order but just more dilute. In other words, instead of 'order and disorder', I like - 'concentrated order and dilute order'.
Building on the idea that order can't be created or destroyed, I suggest the order to make me was previously already in the gas cloud, ie in the arrangement and movement of the atoms in the said gas cloud, only that it was much more dilute order then.
The gravitational collapse of the gas cloud concentrated its order and energy (lowering its entropy) and brought things close enough to form ordered higher energy structures. So the gas cloud was not as disordered as appears, it was just dilute order still containing all the order necessary to form me and the solar system. Had the gas molecules in the cloud been organised in a different way, then the outcome would also have been different.
This brings me to my final conclusion;
Gravitational collapse = decreasing entropy. Expansion against gravity = increasing entropy.
I'm sure that must be somebody else's theory
If you believe in a cyclic universe, the same applies. There must have been a gravitation collapse to fit everything into the contents for our big bang. This would explain why the big bang started off with such a low entropy.