http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Or ... pulsion%29
We've already lost 60 years by not using this technology, which is perfectly safe, and STILL more efficient than anything in use today.
The partial test ban treaty is bunch of BS that crippled our technological advancement. It would be very easy to have weapons inspectors from all nations inspect the craft before it left orbit, and there could be many fail-safes, its not like the world doesn't have nuclear missles in unsafe countries (pakistan).
Pretty soon China is going to be launching craft into orbit, and who knows what they are sending up there, for all we know.
Obama says he wants to decrease nuclear stock-piles, well heres a great way to do so.
Utilize the fission propulsion from a nuclear pulse rocket to get us to Mars, jump-start the economy and energize the nation with the project. Too bad NASA has never had the balls to try anything worthwhile.
Besides, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty does not have the jursidiction it thinks it has, once you are in space you are not in jurisdiction of earth. Anyways, there are actually scientific ways nukes could be put to use. Including terraforming (not blowing a port in a planet but kicking up dust and creating a heat blanket for example).
The "environmentalists" have already destroyed the ozone layer by not letting us convert to nuclear power, when will we learn that they are holding us back?
I am in NO WAY advocating a fascist state that murders its population, I am a libertarian, but it is likely that the Germans, if they had won WW2, would have already established colonies on Mars and other planets by now.
We've already lost 60 years by not using this technology, which is perfectly safe, and STILL more efficient than anything in use today.
The partial test ban treaty is bunch of BS that crippled our technological advancement. It would be very easy to have weapons inspectors from all nations inspect the craft before it left orbit, and there could be many fail-safes, its not like the world doesn't have nuclear missles in unsafe countries (pakistan).
Pretty soon China is going to be launching craft into orbit, and who knows what they are sending up there, for all we know.
Obama says he wants to decrease nuclear stock-piles, well heres a great way to do so.
Utilize the fission propulsion from a nuclear pulse rocket to get us to Mars, jump-start the economy and energize the nation with the project. Too bad NASA has never had the balls to try anything worthwhile.
Besides, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty does not have the jursidiction it thinks it has, once you are in space you are not in jurisdiction of earth. Anyways, there are actually scientific ways nukes could be put to use. Including terraforming (not blowing a port in a planet but kicking up dust and creating a heat blanket for example).
The "environmentalists" have already destroyed the ozone layer by not letting us convert to nuclear power, when will we learn that they are holding us back?
I am in NO WAY advocating a fascist state that murders its population, I am a libertarian, but it is likely that the Germans, if they had won WW2, would have already established colonies on Mars and other planets by now.