<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>I agree. I think the best *single* EU aspect I can focus on is the *cause* of a coronal loop. It's an electrically driven event and there is plenty of satellite evidence to support it. There are also at least three EU oriented presentons on the idea from Birkeland, Bruce and Alfven that I can think of off the top of my head, and at least one more paper by another author that is buried somewhere in this thread. That's the single topic I will focus on next.At this point I would like to start a new thead, preferably on the SS&A forum since my intent is to *explain* a coronal loop in terms of emprical laboratory physics in the case of Birkeland, electrical enginerring principles in the case of Bruce, and MHD theory in the case of Alfven. It will include *lots* of references to math, *lots* of references to empirical physicsl experiments from Birkeland, and *lots* of MHD support. For the time being however, unless you give me the green light ahead of time, I will start the thread in *this* forum and you can decide to move it or leave it languishing here depending on how well *explained" you feel it is. The standard used however should be no greater than is applied to all the other threads that are on page on of that SS&A forum. I can empirically support all my "explanations" and that is certainly not true of all the discussion on the SS&A forum. This is hard science Yevaud, and tested emprical science, not some "mythical math model" devoid of emprical support like so many other theories that are discussed on the SS&A forum. I'm more than happy to debate the coronal loop topic till it's done, even it takes *years* to complete. I can't imagine it taking that long, but the "resistance" to electrical activity in solar physics is extremely high, and I have no illusions that everyone is going to agree with my first post or agree with me in a few weeks. It will obviously be "controversial" topic, but it will also be on based on pure emprical *tested* physics. It will include Bruce's mathematical presentation of electrical discharge theory from the perspective of electrical engineering and it will include Alfven's mathematical explanation of this phenomenon from the perspective of MHD theory. It will be every bit as well *explained* as any theory from NASA, or any theory from Birn et all.MHD theory allows us to look at any current carrying event in plasma in terms of the E field or the B field. These are equally valid ways of looking at current carrying plasma events. However, it is never true that magnetic lines "disconnect" or "reconnect". It is cetainly true that "circuits" form in plasma, and plasma threads can "reconnect" at the particle and circuit level. It is the total circuit energy that drives this parade, and the particle flow that drvies this parade. The magnetic field is just along for the ride and "pinching" the plasma into tornado like filaments that are filled with kinetic energy. These are not 'unexplained" events. Birkeland "explained" them 100 years ago and simulated them in his experiments. Bruce *explained* them again from the perspective of electrical discharge theory. Alfven *explained* them a third time in terms of MHD theory. There is nothing "unexplained" about a coronal loop. It's simply an electrically active current carrying thread in plasma. It's been 'explained" for over 100 years. <br />Posted by michaelmozina</DIV></p><p>Then follow steps 1 through 4. You can start with a clearly defined physical premise as to what you believe to be the cause of coronal loops. "Electrically driven" without further explanatin is not clear.<br /></p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>