Ken Fabian, stop talking as if what you are going through there is "global!" I'm reading and hearing that constantly from those in power who would manage and control all Mankind and all its thinking and activities the world over. Where I live, we are going through a cooler and somewhat wetter than normal length of summer which may point, like it has before, to a longer, colder and more snowy winter than usual to come.
You, and those others who want life and death power over us, want to blame the sun's blowing more heat toward Earth on Mankind. You want to blame a growing change in tectonic and sub-crust activity on Mankind. It is sheer tyranny you talk and that has bad consequences for elites as well as the masses of the lower classes they would rule (inevitably for the worse).
I advise you to fight for, war (benignly) for, the occupation, colonizing, and opening of -- life's expansion to -- the frontier. And I don't mean colonization of the Moon or Mars or any other [mainframe] rock. I mean PCs: personal stations, colonies, and other man-made to order in-space facilitations! Going manmade smaller micro-world and micro-galactic, in order to go faster, sooner, and vastly larger in frontier. Either that or you and yours, and all the rest of Mankind, as a matter of enclosing closed systemic shrinking of minds and other dark age unintended consequences, will have a far worse, far more malignant war on your hands.
Everything that is happening is pointing to the fact that we are nearing the end of a warming interlude, verging on a new long-term ice age . . . not a "little ice age," but the real thing, the norm of the Earth now. Even the sun in its excess of activity at this time is pointing that way to a long spell of hibernation from that excess of activity. The change in ocean current flows is particularly pointing to coming ice age as those who have studied and know its history of activity have already pointed out. If anything, we in our unborn energetic and polutionary (sic) incubation of growth in vast Space Age birthing energies, structures, infrastructure, complexities and reaches, temporarily obstructed the onslaught, but that is definitely coming to an end.