Wildfire smoke is warming the planet more than previously thought, scientists say

Aug 10, 2023
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DC-9 was a dual engine mounted to the rear of the aircraft. NASA has a DC-8 Airborne Science Laboratory which has four engines that are wing mounted.
Environmentalists need to stop piling up the underbrush to start fires then. Just as they need to stop piling up EVs to start fires that burn so fast people can't get out in time and firemen can't put out for hours or days. Then there is all that dead life and dying ecosystems around environmental projects like wide area land and sea wind farms and landed solar farms.

Then there is the physic "time is money." As Napoleon said, "I'll give you anything but time!" So much wasted time. So much time lost. So much lost energy and economy, and infrastructure and cohesiveness of civilization being lost.

And a great Frontier of breakout, Genesis (Creation) and Exodus, behind -- to the other side of -- a world class wall of Orwellian Iron Curtain . . . from the same all enclosing, closing, systemic dumbed down fanatical total authoritarian source as Environmentalism. The source, the same source, bent upon the total quality management and control of All Mankind. The problem for the totalitarian state will be Murphy's Law, the law of unintended consequences of power corrupting in One World-ism, in the "war of a thousand (a million, billion, trillion....) little cuts."
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I wouldn't be looking for environmental situations/conditions or even mis-management. Although modern management has cause nothing but problems. The application and/or the research and conclusions......has been a very expensive failure. And they insist upon feeding it. This failure.

If it's anything like here in the US, I would be looking for an arsonist. Several perhaps a group.

But I'm paranoid. So, I could be wrong when I think our problems have been organized.
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I wouldn't be looking for environmental situations/conditions or even mis-management. Although modern management has cause nothing but problems. The application and/or the research and conclusions......has been a very expensive failure. And they insist upon feeding it. This failure.

If it's anything like here in the US, I would be looking for an arsonist. Several perhaps a group.

But I'm paranoid. So, I could be wrong when I think our problems have been organized.
("Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely" -- British Lord Acton)

What life cannot divide outwardly; life will divide inwardly. In a closed system, division (null unity) will take its equal but opposite half-portion of the universe literally out of the guts of unity. And I don't mean unity doing subdivisions of a continuing unity which isn't equal. Even universe divides out into equalities (full individualistic equalities) of multiverse universes (an Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe [set] of infinities of universes). Stephen Hawking, correct in the extreme, gave a Mankind without Space Frontier a very optimistic maximum of 1,000 years to mass extinction. -- Atlan0001.
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Aug 10, 2023
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Thought provoking article, not-with-standing the 4-engine McDonnell Douglass DC-9, but I quote the author’s obvious bias with “wildfires, which are expected to become harsher and more frequent in the coming years due to human-induced climate change” followed by “smoke analysis of three specific lightning-caused fires” implying that humans caused the lightning. By what method did scientists, or criminals, create the lightning? Just askin’!
How many people demonstrate no understanding of the difference between immediate cause (what lights a fire) and susceptibility to fire (what makes it hot and dry)?

We had the "it's arsonists" line in Australia during and after the last very bad fire season but subsequent investigations found very little arson, with bad judgement, electrical faults and dry lightning the far more likely proximate (what lit them) causes. This affected area had experienced record breaking droughts (how dry) and extreme temperatures (how hot) before a fire was started by lightning. A nearby previous one was by misjudgement - someone foolishly lit a bin of rubbish during very hot and dry conditions. Anywhere people live there will be things that start fires.

The "environmentalists prevent undergrowth removal or burning off" line was popular too with those seeking to reject connections with global warming - and false.

Public safety concerns, public liability concerns, especially with more small holdings with inexperienced and poorly equipped landholders who - not surprising - are reluctant to light fires they are not resourced to control, especially of large areas, are much greater impediments than environmentalists - who largely support the use of fire to maintain native vegetation. Add in the limited resources for forest management - that do a lot of the largest areas of burning off -and it gets harder to keep up. Even without the warmer Winters shrinking safe opportunities. Regional fire authorities decide on large area fuel reduction fires and when they say no it is almost always about public safety not "green" regulation.

Shorter periods of opportunity to conduct burning off safely due to warmer winters is a real thing, of serious significance around here - we used to reliably get cool overnight conditions that laid down natural fire retardant (dew), so fires lit in afternoons would be going out or easily controlled by morning. Those conditions are getting rarer - a single degree different can make a big difference in this.

I've been conducting small burns around our home (and adding a fire sprinkler system) with no environmentalists trying to stop me and I'm seeing the opportunities to do so (right now) shrinking fast in the face of warm Winter weather; larger and much better equipped efforts are already getting out of control. After 3 la Nina years the post fire regrowth was exceptional and now it is drying out fast, with el Nino making the odds favour hot and dry. With some global warming extra
Ken Fabian, stop talking as if what you are going through there is "global!" I'm reading and hearing that constantly from those in power who would manage and control all Mankind and all its thinking and activities the world over. Where I live, we are going through a cooler and somewhat wetter than normal length of summer which may point, like it has before, to a longer, colder and more snowy winter than usual to come.

You, and those others who want life and death power over us, want to blame the sun's blowing more heat toward Earth on Mankind. You want to blame a growing change in tectonic and sub-crust activity on Mankind. It is sheer tyranny you talk and that has bad consequences for elites as well as the masses of the lower classes they would rule (inevitably for the worse).

I advise you to fight for, war (benignly) for, the occupation, colonizing, and opening of -- life's expansion to -- the frontier. And I don't mean colonization of the Moon or Mars or any other [mainframe] rock. I mean PCs: personal stations, colonies, and other man-made to order in-space facilitations! Going manmade smaller micro-world and micro-galactic, in order to go faster, sooner, and vastly larger in frontier. Either that or you and yours, and all the rest of Mankind, as a matter of enclosing closed systemic shrinking of minds and other dark age unintended consequences, will have a far worse, far more malignant war on your hands.

Everything that is happening is pointing to the fact that we are nearing the end of a warming interlude, verging on a new long-term ice age . . . not a "little ice age," but the real thing, the norm of the Earth now. Even the sun in its excess of activity at this time is pointing that way to a long spell of hibernation from that excess of activity. The change in ocean current flows is particularly pointing to coming ice age as those who have studied and know its history of activity have already pointed out. If anything, we in our unborn energetic and polutionary (sic) incubation of growth in vast Space Age birthing energies, structures, infrastructure, complexities and reaches, temporarily obstructed the onslaught, but that is definitely coming to an end.
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