Giveaway Win an Official Space Force Silver Coin!

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Feb 25, 2021
I think the USSF should prioritize defense of the US and it's military abroad through defensive and even passive anti threat surveillance and mitigation. To include space based anti missile missile platforms. Additionally it should seek ATC of outgoing crewed and uncrewed craft that's intent is to land near US held territory on other system bodies.
Feb 25, 2021
1) further the existing research on a Tsiolkovsky/Artsutanov/Pearson/Clarke space elevator.

2) further the existing research on the possible connection between another dimension and Our Universe's postulated dark energy/dark matter.
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Feb 25, 2021
I truly believe our SF should slowly acclimate the populous to our SSP's as well as slowly disclose the reality of E.T.'s in a manner that wont disrupt a very fearful society. I wish you nothing but success.
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Feb 25, 2021
Space Force's first action should be to change it's name. It sounds like a 7 year old boy named them. After that, it should work with all countries that have a space program to coordinate a peaceful plan that will address the known obstacles with space travel, living in space and moving all species to other planets in a peaceful manner while making every effort to preserve what life may already exist there.
Feb 25, 2021
Establish a US reserve space currency backed by precious space ores, that other countries can trade their world currencies for and help get our economy out of the dump. Then when they want to convert their space currency back to a world currency you can claim that the precious space ore reserves accidentally got sucked into a black whole and be sure to clarify that I was a black whole in space and that you are not talking about the economic black whole that is the US world reserve currency ;)
Feb 25, 2021
Make a station on moon and do blind date with aliens. I would like to date an alien. Other than that, you guys should make some tunnels with glass around the Mars and oxygen in them ( like the underwater aquarium )so people can travel to Mars and walk around the Mars in the tunnels without astronauts suit. Not the best idea but I want the coin.
Feb 25, 2021
I would have the USSF focus on;

Defensive: Developing a stronger defense for incoming hostile ballistic missiles as well as other space-based nuclear and conventional threats (priority #1!) protect US (and allies to the extent that we can) military & civilian sattelites, develop effective means of clearing space debris as well as developing procedures for how to carry out space-based rescue missions of friendly space personnel and infrastructure. As a side project they could perhaps work on space technologies that would benefit US society as a whole.

In short, work towards COMPLETE US space superiority, which if successful would greatly limit the nuclear threat our nation would otherwise continue to face.

Offensive: Suppress hostile space activity, both in terms of stopping launches and safely removing enemy sattelites and other such equipment to limit or remove hostile space based technology such as GPS. Another more distant goal would be space based weaponry.
Feb 25, 2021
I think Space Force should focus on technology that would and could protect our plant from incoming objects or certain types of waves, matter, and cosmic interference.
If we can do that for this planet. We could help preserve other planets and life forms throughout the universe as we developed the abilities to reach and survive each level of planet visitation.
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Feb 25, 2021
Monitor and protect, the existing network of satellites both military and civilian. Begin talks with other countries to establish rules and bounderies so we don't end up filling the skies with rubbish, from the ejected waste of tourists and dead satellites.
Feb 24, 2021
USSF should focus on established data networks across planetary objects to record geophysical and seismic data to better understand where we are trying to go and to better understand subsurface activities. Through the passive recordings across the network, the deep subsurface profile can be generated. This should allow us to identify geotechnical conditions prior to sending people and machines, and allow us to understand how we will construct civil/geotechnical structures. Perhaps this gives us the ability to even design facilities well in advance of mobilizing new remote stations. This would also provide a basis for a strategic planetary defence system in the future. I'll gladly volunteer to support "intergalactic" geostructural engineering efforts! (Intergalactic GeoStructural Engineer has a nice ring to it)

The company I work for is also one of the largest civil engineering and construction companies in the country with expertise in all things geotechnical and civil engineering. Feel free to reach out if we can be of assistance to your efforts. Please do not hesitant to reach out to me personally.
Feb 25, 2021
Dear SpaceForce,
First off, releasing free energy technology that's been kept hidden from humanity, that can solve the worlds energy problem should be a no brainier. However, until entrenched interests are dealt with, there's a block to progress in our way. My Grampa worked at JPL. He told me about a free energy machine he saw in 1968. He didn't explain what it was, but he listed all types of energy, some that wasn't even mainstream at the time, that it wasn't. I'm still waiting for the holographic watch he talked about.

My other concern about space force is the consciousness aspect, I've had quite a life of learning how to travel Quantum realities without a machine. The universe is quite an interesting place when honoring universal laws. I didn't study in the traditional manner. I think my favorite experience was opening an ancient manuscript only to find a Stargate that read my DNA and opened up a chamber that gave me a key. I'll leave you to ponder where that key fit. I'm a silver stacker, don't have allot, but love the shiny. Is that a full troy ounce? I'd luv to see the Space Force coin next to my Grampa's Apollo pin.

Oh and if you do find any silver in another planet or galaxy plz wait until silver goes to the moon here first. Besides that event will clean out the major obstacles to progress on this planet, which in turn will free up the release of technology that's been hidden from humanity for a very long time.
Thanks for the consideration,
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Feb 25, 2021
The USSF should focus on search and rescue operations out at sea, or over desolate areas where people have gone missing; clearing the space debris around the earth; and lastly if any colonies are started on the moon or Mars, they should assist in the transportation or people and equipment, and safe keeping of the locations.
Feb 25, 2021
I think the first priority should be a Space Force space station followed by a permanently manned base on the moon. Plane and simple, let's get the Space Force into space!
Feb 26, 2021
While still being a service member, I would like to see The USSF develop a functional transition system. For both, other services branches and back to civilian life.
I see the USSF being treated similarly to the way the AF is treated by the Army and Marines. Either way a program that allows currently serving members an opportunity to transfer to the USSF and keep their grade and rank. I know I would apply
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