I'd love to see some extensive research on mining, harvesting materials from other planets. It would solve a lot of problem here on Earth and also would help building in space or on another planetary bodies.
Can you imagine what would happen to the price of things if they found vast quantities of them on another planet. Items that are rare on earth such as gold, silver, palladium, etc., would the discovery affect the price?
I would like to see the USSF to take people to a habitable planet.
I've never understood the desire others have for living on another planet. I have enough separation anxiety when they move to another state. Will I ever see them again? My brother moved from TX to FL, 1,100 miles, and it's been 5 years since we've had a meal together. We facetime, etc., but that's not the same.
If we colonize Mars, will we be able to Facetime with those we love if they're living on another planet? At 300 million miles, it's 7 months one way! Try asking your boss for 14 months, 2 weeks off to go visit your family. And we now fret about a two-day journey.
The space force can work on getting that travel time down. I believe that is another key to people living on another planet.