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Jan 24, 2020
The planetary defense would be my first preference, but exploration and colonization are close seconds.
Jan 14, 2020
I believe that the USSF should begin training Construction Astronaut Technicians (Spacecats} sort of like the US Navel Seabees. I foresee a lot of future construction needs in Space on the Moon and the near future.
Jan 21, 2020
As much as I would like to see us find other life, I fear we would immediately try to exploit them so working on a habitat on Mars is our best option
Mar 30, 2020
I really don't see a purpose for forming another branch of military, except as another additional pocket to funnel substantially more taxpayer money without an increased benefit. Twice the money now required to fund the same amount of work. The USAF was handling space operations very well, thank you.

"But if we must"... the USSF could be tasked with the retrieval and reclaimation of "space junk" placed in LEO and adopt the missions of the US Coast Guard above the Kármán Line.
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Nov 19, 2019
The USSF should uphold, protect and defend current and future international laws and treaties regarding space, planets, planetary bodies and human made technology including satellites and space stations.
Aug 6, 2020
Hate to be the wet blanket here but I can't escape the feeling that "U.S. Space Force" was just one person's vain attempt to create a legacy, albeit a very hollow one.

We already have a "space force". It's called NASA. I wonder what they could do with the kind of funding that will be funneled towards this vanity project that conjures up notions of militancy rather than science in space.
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Mar 5, 2021
I’m not sure I understand the need for a separate branch of the military. At least until we get a X class fighters flying around. It’s still cool though that we have something to push us forward.
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Feb 27, 2021
I'd love to see some extensive research on mining, harvesting materials from other planets. It would solve a lot of problem here on Earth and also would help building in space or on another planetary bodies.
Can you imagine what would happen to the price of things if they found vast quantities of them on another planet. Items that are rare on earth such as gold, silver, palladium, etc., would the discovery affect the price?

I would like to see the USSF to take people to a habitable planet.
I've never understood the desire others have for living on another planet. I have enough separation anxiety when they move to another state. Will I ever see them again? My brother moved from TX to FL, 1,100 miles, and it's been 5 years since we've had a meal together. We facetime, etc., but that's not the same.

If we colonize Mars, will we be able to Facetime with those we love if they're living on another planet? At 300 million miles, it's 7 months one way! Try asking your boss for 14 months, 2 weeks off to go visit your family. And we now fret about a two-day journey.

The space force can work on getting that travel time down. I believe that is another key to people living on another planet.
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Feb 27, 2021
Can you imagine what would happen to the price of things if they found vast quantities of them on another planet. Items that are rare on earth such as gold, silver, palladium, etc., would the discovery affect the price?
I'm sure it would, but this could easily be countered. Probably only governmental companies would be allowed to do these kind of things. They could regulate the amount of minerals that could come back to earth. I also think it just wouldn't worth the effort. As you might know it is REALLY hard to bring back things to earth from orbit.. let alone an asteroid with tonnes of payload.. When I wrote mining and research on extracting these minerals from other planetary bodies, I meant [and also wrote down] that these alloys should be used to construct stuff on the Moon for example. It would reduce the cost, speed the process up and remove the environmental harms from our home planet.
Mar 5, 2021
Okay so more and more to say and ask but one thing I'm genuinely being curious about is What's the purpose of all these things-the universe, our galaxy, Earth, Mars and moon amd moons?
The other things I wanna know about is- the same human race thriving outside our solar system or maybe some other kinda animals. You guys done so many remarkable achievements but no major sign of any other life? How can this be even possible?
Also, do something with Pluto and let that buddy to come to home again. Yes you, do something.
Mar 13, 2021
The discovery of new objects in space that are beyond anything my mind could imagine would be my number one suggestion in space exploration
Mar 13, 2021
"We came in peace for *all* mankind" - Our "Space Force" must expedite cooperation between Nations in space exploration - *not* competition or 'collision'. Mining the moon or sending humans to Mars are daunting tasks that can only be accomplished if everyone on Earth is invited to participate.
Mar 13, 2021
As much as I would like to talk about advanced technologies, I think the space force should focus on establishing permanent bases on the Moon and Mars. Mars and the Moon are a good and important first step for gaining control over the entire solar system.
Mar 13, 2021
Idealistically, I like the idea that others have described as the space forge acting as coast guard type mission. However, more realistically I suspect international defense will take up most of their time and effort.
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