A Jupiter-size exoplanet formed around a tiny star. Astronomers aren't sure how

Space.com reported, "How such a large exoplanet came to orbit a low-mass star is something of a mystery, but the composition of TOI-4860 b could hint at its origins."

The exoplanet.eu site is updated now showing properties for TOI-4860 b. http://exoplanet.eu/catalog/toi-4860_b/

Ref - An M dwarf accompanied by a close-in giant orbiter with SPECULOOS , https://academic.oup.com/mnrasl/article/525/1/L98/7235807?login=false, 04-August-2023. "ABSTRACT In the last decade, a dozen close-in giant planets have been discovered orbiting stars with spectral types ranging from M0 to M4, a mystery since known formation pathways do not predict the existence of such systems..."

Such observations in exoplanet studies indicate the accretion disc models do have some problems when explaining Jupiter type mass exoplanets orbiting red dwarf stars. Using Table 1 in the report, this exoplanet is 0.67 Mjup, ~ 213 earth masses. The red dwarf is 0.34 Msun and applying solar MMSN, perhaps postulated total dust and gas disc ~ 1132 earth masses. Using my spreadsheet P = 1.5684E+00 day compared to published value 1.52-day orbital period. In 1 Gyr, this exoplanet could complete 2.3288E+11 revolutions or more than 232 billion. The red dwarf is considered to be at least 4.5 Gyr age in the paper. No disc at the system is observed today.